DraftKings Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

DraftKings Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024DraftKings Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


As DraftKings continues to grow and expand into new markets, the demand for skilled data engineers is on the rise. The company seeks individuals skilled in big data technologies, cloud platforms (such as AWS or Google Cloud), and programming languages like Python and Java.

Securing a data engineer position at DraftKings requires thorough preparation and a deep understanding of the interview process. So, if you are an aspiring data engineer or have an interview scheduled at DraftKings, this guide is for you.

Here you’ll find some potential interview questions and how to answer them, DraftKings’ hiring process, and some tips to help you stand out and boost your chances of landing the job.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be fully prepared to crack your interview at DraftKings. Let’s get started!

What Is the Interview Process Like for a Data Engineer Role at DraftKings?

The interview process for a data engineer role at DraftKings is structured and often concludes within three weeks. Below is an overview of the stages you’re likely to encounter:

HR Round

In this round, interviewers will consider your potential fit for the company culture and your overall background. Expect questions about your resume, your interest in DraftKings, and why you’re pursuing a career in data engineering.

Technical Interview with Manager

After clearing the HR round, you’ll have an interview focusing on your technical skills and domain knowledge. You’ll discuss your previous work experiences, projects, and technical challenges. The manager may present you with hypothetical scenarios or problems relevant to data engineering at DraftKings’ to assess your problem-solving skills and technical expertise in areas such as data modeling, ETL processes, and system design.

On-Site Interviews

The final round is primarily on-site and consists of multiple interview segments with different team members. You will tackle a variety of technical challenges, coding exercises, system design questions, and possibly a case study relevant to DraftKings’ business model. This round evaluates your technical abilities as well as your communication skills, teamwork, and cultural fit within the team and the company.

What Questions Are Commonly Asked in a DraftKings Data Engineer Interview?

The interview typically covers a range of topics and areas related to data engineering, database management, programming languages, and cloud technologies. Here are some key areas that you should focus on while preparing:

  • Programming Languages (Python, Scala, Java)
  • SQL
  • Data Modelling
  • Cloud Platforms
  • ETL Processes
  • Big Data Technologies
  • Problem-Solving
  • Behavioral Questions

Typically, interviewers begin with a mix of general and behavioral questions to better understand you and gauge how you navigate specific situations. Then, they shift toward more technical aspects of the job.

Below, we’ll discuss some common questions in data engineer interviews at DraftKings:

1. Tell me about a complex data engineering challenge you faced in a previous role.

You’ll likely encounter a question regarding a complex data engineering challenge you’ve faced in a past role. Hiring managers want to understand your problem-solving strategy for tackling challenges within a project. This helps the interviewer evaluate if you have the potential to address the complex data challenges at DraftKings.

How to Answer

Focus on a specific challenge you faced, the steps you took to address it, the technologies and methodologies you used, and the outcome.


“In my previous role, we faced a challenge with processing and analyzing streaming data from millions of users in real-time to provide live betting odds. The volume and velocity of data were overwhelming our existing infrastructure, leading to delays and inaccuracies in odds calculation. To tackle this, I led the redesign of our data processing pipeline. We implemented Apache Kafka for efficient data ingestion and Apache Flink for real-time stream processing, which allowed us to handle large volumes of data with minimal latency. I also introduced a more sophisticated odds calculation model that could more dynamically adapt to incoming data streams. The result was a 50% reduction in latency for odds updates and a significant increase in the accuracy of live betting odds.”

2. What makes you a good fit for this role?

Employers ask this question at DraftKings to uncover what you consider your most valuable skills and which aspects of the job ignite your passion. While they have your full qualifications listed in your resume, this question often reveals additional insights, such as your enthusiasm, perspective, and long-term aspirations for the data engineering role.

How to Answer

When answering, highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and qualities that directly align with the data engineer role at DraftKings. Don’t hesitate to share your story and showcase the skills you’ve acquired during your studies and professional journey. Your unique experiences and accomplishments are valuable and can make a strong impression during the interviews.


“I believe my background and skills make me a strong fit for the data engineer role at DraftKings. With several years of experience in data engineering, I have honed my abilities in designing and optimizing data pipelines and handling large-scale datasets. In my previous role, I led a project to revamp our data architecture, which resulted in a 60% reduction in processing time and improved system reliability. I am proficient in various technologies such as Apache Spark, Kafka, and SQL, which I understand are integral to DraftKings’ data infrastructure. My technical expertise, track record of delivering results, and passion for the sports and entertainment industry make me well-suited to contribute effectively to the data engineering team at DraftKings.”

3. Have you ever encountered an issue with data quality or integrity? How did you approach the problem?

Data engineers need to effectively identify and address data quality issues to maintain data integrity and reliability. The interviewer wants to evaluate your problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and proactive approach to maintaining and improving data quality and integrity within complex systems.

How to Answer

Outline an encounter with data quality or integrity issues, the steps you took to address the problem, and the outcome of your actions. Showcase your analytical skills, technical tools or methodologies used, and your role in mitigating future risks.


“In my previous role, I encountered an issue with data quality in our user registration data. During routine data validation checks, we identified many missing zip codes in the user addresses. To investigate further, I investigated the distribution of missing values and explored user demographics with missing zip codes. This revealed that the issue primarily affected users from a specific region where the registration form had a malfunctioning zip code field. I collaborated with the development team to fix the form issue and implemented a data cleaning pipeline to fill in missing zip codes based on other available user information (e.g., city and state) using geocoding techniques. After implementing these solutions, the missing zip code issue was resolved, and data quality checks were put in place to prevent future occurrences. This experience highlighted the importance of proactive data quality monitoring and collaboration with different teams to address issues effectively.”

4. Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations during a project.

This question allows the interviewer to measure your potential for going above and beyond the basic requirements of your role. Demonstrating your ability to deliver more than what’s expected can set you apart as a candidate for the data engineer position at DraftKings.

How to Answer

Pick a project from your past role. Highlight your thought process, your actions, and the outcomes of your efforts. Be specific about what you did, how you went beyond expectations, and how your actions impacted the project or the company.


“In my previous role, I exceeded expectations during a project to build a real-time data pipeline for analyzing marketing campaign performance. While the initial plan involved using a traditional batch processing approach, I identified an opportunity to use Apache Spark and stream processing techniques to achieve real-time insights. By taking the initiative and proposing this approach, I delivered the data pipeline 2 weeks ahead of schedule while achieving real-time processing capabilities. This allowed the marketing team to react to campaign performance more quickly and make data-driven decisions in real-time, ultimately resulting in a 20% increase in campaign conversion rate.”

5. Recall a project where you had to learn a new tool or programming language quickly. How did you approach the learning process?

Data engineering is constantly evolving, and new tools and technologies emerge frequently. DraftKings seeks data engineers who are lifelong learners and can quickly adapt to new situations by learning new tools and technologies. This question helps interviewers identify candidates with the necessary learning skills and mindset to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

How to Answer

Choose a project where you had to learn something new that is relevant to the role you’re applying for. Explain the steps you took to learn the new tool or language. Talk about how you applied what you learned to the project. Mention any challenges you faced and the results.


“In a previous role, our team transitioned from our traditional data processing pipeline to Apache Spark for its superior processing speeds and scalability. Despite having no experience with Spark, I was excited about the opportunity to improve our data operations. I approached the learning process methodically. First, I enrolled in an online course focused on Spark and dedicated my evenings to studying. To reinforce my learning, I set up a personal project that mirrored the complexities we faced at work, allowing me to apply new concepts in a practical context. Within a month, I was proficient enough to lead the migration of our data processing tasks to Spark, collaborating closely with my team to ensure a smooth transition. The project was a success, resulting in a 50% reduction in processing times and significantly lower computing costs, far exceeding our initial goals.”

6. Write a function named filter_top_players to select rows from a dataframe players_df where players prefer green or red as their favorite color and have a score above 90.

This question tests your understanding of boolean indexing and your ability to manipulate data using pandas, a common library for data analysis in Python. For detailed analyses such as identifying high-performing players, understanding user preferences, and segmenting player data, you should be able to filter and select data based on specific criteria.

How to Answer

Start by defining the function filter_top_players with the necessary parameters and logic for filtering. Describe the conditions for selecting rows from the players_df, in this case, players who prefer green or red as their favorite color and have a score above 90.


import pandas as pd

# Sample dataframe for demonstration
data = {
    'player_name': ['Player1', 'Player2', 'Player3', 'Player4'],
    'favorite_color': ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'green'],
    'score': [85, 92, 88, 95]

players_df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Call the function to filter top players
filtered_players = filter_top_players(players_df)


7. Can you explain the difference between mutable and immutable data types in Python?

Knowing about mutable and immutable data types in Python is essential for a data engineer, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex data pipelines at DraftKings. This question checks your understanding of core Python data types and their fundamental properties by asking this question.

How to Answer

Start by defining mutable and immutable data types and explaining the fundamental difference. Provide examples of each type in Python. Discuss why understanding the difference is vital for data engineering tasks.


“Immutable data types cannot be altered once created, ensuring data integrity and consistency. Examples include integers, floats, strings, and tuples. For instance, when you attempt to change an immutable string, Python creates a new string object rather than modifying the original one. On the other hand, mutable data types allow modifications after creation, which can be efficient for operations requiring changes to the data structure. Examples include lists, dictionaries, and sets. Mutability is useful for tasks where data needs to be dynamically altered, but it requires careful management to avoid unintended side effects. Understanding these differences is crucial in data engineering, as they impact memory usage, performance, and data integrity.”

8. Write a query to select a random row from a table with 100+ million rows, avoiding database strain.

DraftKings deals with massive amounts of data related to user bets, player statistics, and real-time sports data. This question could be asked to assess your understanding of efficient database querying techniques, especially when dealing with large datasets.

How to Answer

Depending on the database system (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL), use the appropriate method for efficiently selecting a random row. If the table has a primary key or indexed column, use it to limit the scope of the random selection. Ensure the query does not perform a full table scan, which can be resource-intensive.


-- PostgreSQL Example
FROM table_name

This query selects a random row from the table_name table using the TABLESAMPLE clause with the SYSTEM method. It limits the strain on the database by sampling approximately 1% of the table and then selects a single row using LIMIT 1 .

9. Describe a scenario where you would choose Hadoop over a traditional relational database system. Why was Hadoop the better choice?

Hadoop is known for its scalability and ability to process vast amounts of data in a distributed environment. Since DraftKings operates with large volumes of data, the interviewer wants to assess your ability to evaluate different technologies and choose the most suitable one for specific scenarios.

How to Answer

Explain a scenario where the volume or variety of data makes traditional relational databases inefficient or impractical. Discuss how Hadoop’s distributed architecture and scalability make it well-suited for handling large-scale data processing and storage. Mention any cost or complexity considerations associated with implementing Hadoop.


“In a scenario where DraftKings needs to analyze a massive volume of real-time sports data from various sources, including player statistics, game results, and user interactions, Hadoop would be the better choice over a traditional relational database system. Hadoop’s distributed architecture allows for parallel processing of data across multiple nodes, enabling efficient processing of large-scale datasets. Additionally, its ability to handle unstructured and semi-structured data makes it suitable for the diverse data types commonly found in sports analytics. While implementing and managing a Hadoop cluster can be complex and costly, the benefits in this scenario justify the investment. The scalability of Hadoop allows DraftKings to easily accommodate growing data volumes and handle spikes in user activity during peak times, ensuring high performance and responsiveness of the analytics platform.”

10. Given two tables: accounts, and downloads, find the average number of downloads for free vs paying accounts, broken down by day.

This question assesses your SQL skills, particularly in writing complex queries involving multiple tables, aggregations, and conditional logic. It also tests your ability to generate actionable insights from data by calculating metrics based on specific criteria.

How to Answer

Start by joining the accounts and downloads tables on the common key, such as account_id. Apply conditional logic to differentiate between free and paying accounts. Group the data by day and account type (free vs paying) and calculate each group’s average number of downloads.


    d.date AS download_date,
    AVG(d.num_downloads) AS avg_downloads
    accounts a
    downloads d ON a.account_id = d.account_id

The query joins the accounts and downloads tables on the account_id. It groups the data by download_date and account_type (free vs. paying) using GROUP BY. The AVG(d.num_downloads) calculates the average number of downloads for each group. Finally, the result is ordered by download_date and account_type .

11. Explain the concept of pattern matching in Scala and provide an example of its use in data processing.

Scala is being widely used in data engineering due to its compatibility with big data frameworks like Apache Spark. So, the interviewer might ask about pattern matching to test your Scala skills, ability to handle diverse data structures, and understanding of code efficiency and readability.

How to Answer

Start by explaining what pattern matching is and why it’s useful in data processing. Offer a clear, concise example illustrating how pattern matching can be applied to a common data processing scenario.


“Pattern matching in Scala is akin to a more powerful version of switch-case statements found in other languages but with significantly enhanced capabilities. It allows you to match against values, types, and even complex data structures, leading to code that’s both more readable and expressive. This feature is particularly useful in data processing for deconstructing and extracting information from complex datasets. For example, consider processing a dataset of user activities on DraftKings, where each activity record can be an event of different types — a bet, a game entry, or a user login. Using Scala’s case classes to represent these activities, pattern matching enables you to easily process and handle each activity type differently.”

12. In the context of hypothesis testing, what are type I and type II errors? What is the difference between the two?

DraftKings is in an industry that relies heavily on data-driven decisions. Knowing hypothesis testing is essential for making well-informed decisions through data analysis. The interviewer wants to ensure that you understand the implications of statistical decisions and can minimize errors in data interpretation that could lead to incorrect conclusions about user behavior or product features.

How to Answer

Explain type I and type II errors and discuss the differences between them. Mention the implications of each error in a real-world context, particularly in DraftKings’ environment.


“Type I error, often referred to as a ‘false positive,’ occurs when we incorrectly reject a true null hypothesis. For instance, if we’re testing a new feature’s effectiveness on increasing user engagement on DraftKings and conclude it’s effective when it’s actually not, that’s a type I error. On the other hand, a type II error, or a ‘false negative,’ happens when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis. Using the same example, this would mean concluding that the new feature doesn’t affect user engagement when it actually does. In the context of DraftKings, minimizing these errors is crucial. A type I error might lead to investing resources in ineffective features, while a type II error might prevent us from capitalizing on beneficial innovations.”

13. How do you decide between a wide versus long format for storing time series data in a database?

The choice between wide and long formats affects data integrity and consistency. The interviewer is checking your understanding of the differences between wide and long formats and your ability to use them to optimize data storage.

How to Answer

Explain wide and long formats. Discuss key differences in structure and the advantages and disadvantages of each format. Mention scenarios where a particular format might be more suitable based on factors like data structure, query patterns, and analysis requirements.


“The wide format for time series data involves storing each timestamp as a separate column, with each row representing a unique entity or observation. This format results in a wider table structure, where columns represent individual time points. On the other hand, the long format involves storing time series data in a ‘stacked’ or ‘melted’ format, with each row containing a unique combination of entity, timestamp, and value. The choice between these formats often depends on the specific use cases and analysis requirements. The wide format is beneficial when the number of unique timestamps is relatively small and the focus is on quick retrieval of data for specific time points. Conversely, the long format is ideal for scenarios where the time series data is dense, with many timestamps per entity.”

14. While setting up analytics tracking for a web app, how would you design a schema for tracking client clicks?

As DraftKings grows, the volume of data from user clicks is increasing significantly. The schema used needs to scale efficiently and perform well for fast data retrieval. The interviewer is asking about schema design for tracking client clicks to check your understanding of database design principles, user behavior analysis, scalability, and efficiency.

How to Answer

Explain the key considerations in designing a schema for click tracking. Discuss whether to normalize the schema for better data integrity or denormalize it for improved query performance, depending on the use cases.


“For designing a schema to track client clicks, I’d focus on capturing key details about each click while ensuring the database can handle the data volume efficiently. I would include fields like user_id to identify the user, timestamp for when the click occurred, page_url to know where it happened, and element_clicked for the specific item the user interacted with. Additionally, capturing device_type and browser would allow us to analyze usage patterns across different devices and browsers. I’d opt for a denormalized schema for faster query performance, allowing us to quickly access and analyze click data to understand user behavior.”

15. Discuss the benefits of using Kubernetes for container orchestration in a data engineering environment.

Kubernetes has become a popular choice for container orchestration in data engineering environments due to its ability to efficiently manage and scale containerized applications. This question tests your knowledge of Kubernetes and its relevance to optimizing data engineering workflows.

How to Answer

Discuss the advantages of using Kubernetes for container orchestration. Highlight how Kubernetes streamlines the deployment and management of applications, from development to production.


“Using Kubernetes for container orchestration in a data engineering environment offers several significant benefits. First, Kubernetes provides seamless scalability, enabling us to effortlessly scale applications up or down based on traffic and workload demands. This is crucial for handling sudden spikes in user activity during peak times, such as game events or promotions, without worrying about system performance. Second, Kubernetes automates many aspects of application deployment and management. It simplifies the process of rolling out updates or new features, ensuring that changes are implemented smoothly and consistently across the platform. This automation reduces the risk of human errors and speeds up the deployment lifecycle. Another advantage is resource efficiency. Kubernetes optimizes resource allocation, ensuring that containers are distributed efficiently across nodes.”

16. How would you build a data pipeline for hourly, daily, and weekly active user data from a data lake for an hourly refresh dashboard?

Designing a data pipeline for real-time analytics on active user data is important at a platform like DraftKings to understand user engagement patterns and react to changes swiftly. This question checks your ability to design and implement data pipelines that are critical for real-time data analysis and reporting.

How to Answer

Discuss the data pipeline architecture you would design, mentioning the technologies you would use at each stage (e.g., data ingestion, processing, storage, and visualization). Explain how you would ensure data accuracy and timeliness in the dashboard updates. Highlight your approach to scalability and maintainability of the pipeline.


“I would start by setting up a robust data ingestion process. Using a tool like Apache NiFi or AWS Glue, I’d ensure that user activity data is continuously ingested into the data lake in real time. For processing, Apache Spark would aggregate hourly, daily, and weekly user metrics, leveraging its speed for real-time analytics. The processed data would be stored in Amazon Redshift for quick access. The dashboard, updated hourly, could be built with Tableau, directly querying Redshift to display the latest metrics. I’d ensure the pipeline’s efficiency and reliability by setting up monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana. This setup is scalable, maintains high performance, and supports quick decision-making based on user engagement data.”

17. How do you handle schema changes in the source data when updating an existing ETL pipeline?

As DraftKings grows, the ETL pipelines need to scale with the increasing volume and complexity of data. Being able to handle schema changes seamlessly is key to maintaining scalability. The interviewer wants to see your ability to adjust ETL pipelines to accommodate evolving data schemas and sources.

How to Answer

Describe your approach to detecting and incorporating schema changes into the ETL pipeline. Discuss strategies such as versioning data sources, using schema evolution tools, or automating schema migration processes. Highlight the importance of testing changes to ensure data quality and the pipeline’s continued functionality.


“First, I would maintain detailed documentation of the original schema and changes made over time. This helps in understanding the impact of new changes. Next, I would implement versioning for data sources, ensuring that historical versions of the schema are preserved. When a new schema version is detected, I’d use schema evolution tools like Apache Avro or AWS Glue to automatically adapt the ETL process to the new structure. To ensure data consistency, I’d perform thorough testing on the updated pipeline before deploying it to the production environment. This includes validating data transformations, checking for any data loss, and confirming that downstream processes and analytics remain accurate.”

18. How would you add a column with data to a billion-row table without impacting user experience?

This question could be asked in a DraftKings data engineer interview to evaluate your understanding of performing database alterations efficiently on large datasets. This is key to supporting the scalability and efficiency of DraftKings’ data infrastructure.

How to Answer

Discuss strategies for minimizing downtime and performance degradation, such as performing operations during low-traffic periods or using feature flags. Mention the importance of testing changes in a staging environment before applying them to the production database. Highlight the use of database tools or features that support seamless schema changes.


“To add a column to a billion-row table without affecting user experience, I’d plan the operation during off-peak hours. Using a feature flag, I’d gradually populate and index the new column to minimize impact. Tools like gh-ost or pt-online-schema-change can help perform the update with minimal downtime. Testing in a staging environment ensures a smooth transition and monitors performance metrics.”

19. Describe a scenario where you would use Apache Flink for stream processing instead of Apache Storm or Spark Streaming.

DraftKings relies on real-time data processing for various applications, such as live sports data updates or user interactions, making it essential to choose the right tool for the job. This question evaluates your knowledge of stream processing frameworks and their applicability in different scenarios.

How to Answer

Discuss the characteristics of Apache Flink that make it suitable for certain use cases. Compare and contrast Apache Flink with Apache Storm or Spark Streaming and highlight when Flink might be preferred.


“I would choose Apache Flink for scenarios requiring low-latency, high-throughput, and stateful stream processing. For instance, at DraftKings, where we need to compute real-time statistics during live sports events, Flink’s support for event-time processing and windowing would be beneficial. This would enable us to handle out-of-order events and calculate metrics like player scores or betting odds accurately and efficiently. Additionally, Flink’s support for exactly-once processing ensures data consistency, critical for financial transactions or updating user balances in real time. Apache Storm might be better suited for simpler, high-throughput processing tasks, while Spark Streaming excels in micro-batch processing scenarios.”

20. How does random forest generate the forest? Additionally, why would we use it over other algorithms like logistic regression?

DraftKing deals with vast amounts of data, often with complex patterns. The interviewer wants to know if you can choose algorithms that handle this complexity efficiently and balance accuracy with interpretability when selecting algorithms.

How to Answer

Explain how random forest generates an ensemble of decision trees through bootstrapping and feature randomization. Highlight random forest’s advantages and compare them to logistic regression.


“Random forest generates the forest by constructing multiple decision trees, each trained on a random subset of the data (bootstrapping) and a random subset of features. During prediction, it aggregates the predictions of these trees to produce a final output. This approach reduces overfitting and increases the model’s robustness. We might choose random forest over logistic regression in scenarios with complex, non-linear relationships in the data, such as predicting player performance in DraftKings’ sports analytics. On the other hand, logistic regression is simpler and more interpretable, making it suitable for binary classification tasks with linear relationships, like predicting win or loss outcomes. However, when we need higher predictive accuracy, handling missing data effectively, and reducing overfitting in complex datasets, random forest is the preferred choice.”

Tips When Preparing for a Data Engineer Interview at DraftKings

Preparing for a data engineer interview at DraftKings involves a mix of technical proficiency, an understanding of the sports betting domain, and soft skills. Here are some tailored tips to help you prepare effectively:

Brush Up on Core Concepts

Ensure proficiency in data modeling, ETL processes, data warehousing, and data lakes. Become proficient in Python or Scala alongside SQL. Develop a comprehensive knowledge of cloud services, with a focus on AWS. Explore our Data Engineering learning path at Interview Query for more insights.

Practice Problem-Solving Exercises

Regularly practice problem-solving exercises to sharpen your analytical and critical thinking abilities. To further hone your skills, consider trying out the interview questions and challenges available on Interview Query.

Understand the Domain

Gain a foundational understanding of sports betting fundamentals and familiarize yourself with how DraftKings operates within this dynamic space.

Moreover, enhance your preparation by trying our mock interviews at Interview Query. This will help you refine your responses and boost your confidence.


Engaging with current data engineers can provide a deeper understanding of DraftKings’ data ecosystem. You can learn about the specific tools, frameworks, and best practices they employ.

Consider joining Interview Query’s Slack community, where you can engage with peers, industry experts, and mentors. We also offer a coaching feature that offers expert help from professionals at top tech companies.

Additionally, don’t forget to check out our comprehensive guide on How to Prepare for a Data Engineer Interview, which covers everything you need to know about data engineering interview preparation.


What is the average salary for a Data Engineer Role at DraftKings?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $90K
Max: $130K
Base Salary
Median: $97K
Mean (Average): $105K
Data points: 17
Min: $156K
Max: $170K
Total Compensation
Median: $156K
Mean (Average): $161K
Data points: 3

View the full Data Engineer at Draftkings salary guide

The average base salary for a data engineer at DraftKings is $104,564, while the total estimated compensation, including bonuses and additional benefits, reaches around $161,333.

For deeper insights into data engineer salaries in general, visit our detailed Data Engineer Salary page.

What other companies besides DraftKings can I apply to as a data engineer?

Consider applying to companies such as Amazon, Tesla, Roblox, Salesforce, and many others in the tech industry. Each of these companies offers many opportunities for data engineers, so don’t hesitate to take the next step and apply. Your next great adventure could be just one application away!

Does Interview Query have job postings for the DraftKings Data Engineer Role?

Yes, Interview Query regularly updates its job board, and currently, there are open positions for Data Engineers at DraftKings. Browse through our listings to find roles that match your preferences for location and experience level, and apply directly through the DraftKings career page.


With the insights provided in this guide, you are well-equipped to ace your data engineer interview at DraftKings. However, if you feel the need for further preparation, consider exploring our extensive collection of Top 100+ Data Engineer Interview Questions.

We’ve also covered other roles at DraftKings, such as Software Engineer, Data Scientist, and Data Analyst. Be sure to explore these resources if you’re considering other positions within the company.

For additional preparation, we recommend checking out Data Engineer Case Study Interview Guide, Top 25 Data Engineer Python Questions (2024), and Top 10 SQL Interview Questions for Data Engineers. These resources offer invaluable practice and insights to help you excel in your interview.

Good luck with your preparation! Remember, Interview Query is always here to assist with any questions or concerns you might have along the way.