Priding itself on daily fantasy sports (DFS) and sports betting models, DraftKings has 2.3 million average monthly unique paying customers, with average revenue per customer clocking to $114.
Being a platform heavily reliant on predictions, calculations, and algorithms, DraftKings hires the most resourceful and logical software engineers. And if you’re currently trying to get a job at this company, this guide is for you.
In this article, we’ll discuss how to prepare for the interview through the process, common DraftKings software engineer interview questions, and a preparation guide.
Depending on your experience and the immediate requirements, the interview process for the DraftKings software engineering role may vary. Still, it usually consists of the application process, a technical assessment round, a behavioral round, and an optional on-site interview.
Successful candidates are often subjected to an additional step to verify their ability to work according to the DraftKings culture.
The application process at DraftKings begins with an individual from their headhunting team reaching out and encouraging you to apply. You may also submit your application through job portals when an opening is available.
If the role suits your requirements—remote working, for instance—submit your CV with other necessary documents to the portal. For the DraftKings Software Engineer role, include your past experiences, hard skills, and accomplishments in the CV. Make sure to also include your school and personal projects.
You’ll be notified within around 10 business days, depending on the number of candidates and the role. If affirmative, the hiring manager will contact you and brief you about the role. They may ask you a few behavioral questions regarding your experience and skills.
This is your opportunity to gain further insight into the team dynamics, growth opportunities, and company culture. Always strive to ask questions in this stage, as it allows the manager to assess your alignment with DraftKings’ values, mission, and objectives.
They’re also likely to inform you about the next interview timings and confirm the same with you.
The technical assessment stage is usually held through a proctored platform with one or more interviewers asking multiple questions about programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and other aspects of software engineering.
You’ll be given coding challenges to demonstrate your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. The challenges may include algorithm-specific problems, debugging, or optimization of existing code. More than the code, your thought process will be assessed during this interview step at DraftKings.
You’ll receive feedback within a few days after the technical round. Later on, the benefits and the perks associated with the DraftKings Software Engineer role will be discussed with you.
Depending on the circumstances and the role, you might need to appear for an on-site interview at DraftKings’s offices upon successfully completing the previous interview stages.
The question patterns and individual problems may vary depending on your experience and skills, but here are a few questions that may be asked in DraftKings software engineering interview:
Your answer will allow the interviewer to understand your motivation for applying to DraftKings. It aims to assess your cultural and visionary compatibility with the company.
How to Answer
Highlight your interest in DraftKings’ industry and products/services. Discuss any specific aspects of DraftKings’ culture, values, or vision that resonate with you. Mention any admiration for DraftKings’ innovations or successes in the industry.
“I applied to DraftKings because I’m genuinely passionate about the intersection of sports, technology, and entertainment, which are core aspects of DraftKings’ offerings. I admire DraftKings’ commitment to innovation in the sports betting and fantasy sports space. I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to a company that is constantly pushing boundaries in this industry. Additionally, I resonate with DraftKings’ focus on creating engaging experiences for users and its commitment to responsible gaming practices.”
This question aims to assess your ability to manage time effectively and stay organized in DraftKings’s fast-paced environment.
How to Answer
Discuss your approach to prioritization, such as assessing deadlines, importance, and dependencies. Mention tools or techniques you use for organization, such as to-do lists, project management software, or time-blocking. Highlight your ability to communicate with stakeholders about deadlines and manage expectations.
“When faced with multiple deadlines, I first assess the urgency and importance of each task. I prioritize tasks based on their impact on project timelines and overall goals. To stay organized, I rely on a combination of project management software like Jira and time-blocking techniques. I break down large tasks into smaller actionable steps and allocate specific time slots to work on them. Additionally, I regularly communicate with team members and stakeholders to ensure alignment on priorities and manage expectations regarding deadlines.”
The interviewer strives to evaluate your self-awareness with this question. Your ability to reflect on your strengths and areas of improvement will be critical as a Software Engineer at DraftKings.
How to Answer
Choose strengths that are relevant to the role and align with DraftKings’ values or requirements. For weaknesses, focus on areas where you have actively worked to improve or have an improvement plan. Provide examples of anecdotes to support your strengths and weaknesses.
“Three of my biggest strengths include strong problem-solving skills, adaptability to new technologies, and a collaborative mindset. In my previous roles, I’ve consistently tackled complex challenges by breaking them down into manageable steps and finding creative solutions. I thrive in fast-paced environments where I can quickly learn and apply new technologies to deliver results. I also value collaboration and enjoy working with cross-functional teams to achieve common goals.
As for weaknesses, I’ve identified a tendency to be overly critical of my own work, which can sometimes lead to perfectionism. To address this, I’ve been practicing self-reflection and seeking feedback from peers to gain perspective and find a balance between striving for excellence and being pragmatic in my approach.”
Your ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment will be assessed with this question. Your interviewer will evaluate your ability to collaborate effectively with team members to deliver results under pressure.
How to Answer
Provide specific examples of projects or situations where you successfully managed tight deadlines and high-pressure situations. Highlight your ability to maintain composure, prioritize tasks, and collaborate with team members to overcome challenges. Discuss any strategies or techniques you use to stay focused and productive under pressure.
“In my prior position at my previous company, I spearheaded a critical software development initiative aimed at enhancing our customer relationship management (CRM) platform to accommodate a 30% increase in user load. This project was paramount for our company’s growth strategy and had a non-negotiable deadline due to an upcoming product launch.
One of the major challenges we encountered was a sudden expansion in the project scope midway through development. This expansion necessitated the integration of additional features into the CRM system to meet evolving business requirements.
Upon identifying the issue, I immediately convened a cross-functional meeting involving software engineers, data scientists, and business analysts to brainstorm solutions. Through collaborative problem-solving and leveraging subject matter expertise from different teams, we devised an innovative workaround that ensured the seamless integration of the analytics feature within the stipulated timeline.”
Your interviewer at DraftKings will assess your ability to quickly learn new technology for a project, including the context and challenges involved.
How to Answer
Describe a specific instance where you had to learn a new technology for a project, including the context and challenges involved. Discuss your approach to the learning process, such as researching, seeking guidance from colleagues, or utilizing online resources. Highlight how you applied your newfound knowledge to contribute to the project’s success.
“During a recent project, I was tasked with implementing a new machine learning algorithm to enhance our recommendation system. While I had some background in machine learning, the specific algorithm required for this project was unfamiliar to me. To quickly get up to speed, I started by researching academic papers and online tutorials to understand the underlying concepts and implementation details. I also reached out to colleagues who had experience with similar technologies for guidance and best practices. Once I gained a basic understanding, I applied a hands-on approach by experimenting with small-scale prototypes and iterating based on feedback. By leveraging my newfound knowledge and collaborating with team members, we successfully integrated the new algorithm into our system, improving recommendation accuracy and user engagement.”
This question assesses the candidate’s ability to efficiently process large files, which is essential for handling data-intensive tasks, which are common in platforms like DraftKings.
How to Answer
Utilize Python’s file I/O functionality to read the file line by line and count the number of lines. Since the file is large, it’s essential to use an efficient approach that doesn’t load the entire file into memory at once.
def count_lines_in_file(file_path):
line_count = 0
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line_count += 1
return line_count
file_path = 'path/to/your/log_file.log'
total_lines = count_lines_in_file(file_path)
print("Total number of lines:", total_lines)
Through this question, your interviewer will assess your basic understanding of the table positions and indices, which are fundamental concepts in software engineering.
int_list = [0,1,2]
last_element(int_list) -> 2
How to Answer
Define a function that takes a list as input and returns its last element. Either choose to print the example or leave the interviewer to offer input.
def last_element(int_list):
return int_list[-1]
int_list = [0, 1, 2]
# Output: 2
The interviewer will assess your knowledge of basic statistics and your ability to implement mathematical calculations in Python through this question.
test_list = [6, 7, 3, 9, 10, 15]
get_variance(test_list) -> 13.89
How to Answer
Write a function that computes the sample variance of a list of integers using the formula for variance. Print the returned value for the interviewer to verify.
def get_variance(test_list):
n = len(test_list)
mean = sum(test_list) / n
variance = sum((x - mean) ** 2 for x in test_list) / (n - 1)
return variance
test_list = [6, 7, 3, 9, 10, 15]
# Output: 13.89
This question evaluates your ability to manipulate matrices and perform linear regression, which is relevant for Software Engineer tasks at DraftKings.
A = [[1, 5], [4,8], [5,9]]
linear_regression(A) -> [[[1, 4, 5], [5, 8,9]] , [4, 1]]
Note: Return the solutions a list of `[[A_T] , [coefficients]]
How to Answer
Implement a function that takes a matrix of X and y values, calculates the transposed matrix, and estimates the parameters for linear regression.
import numpy as np
def linear_regression(A):
X = np.array([row[:-1] for row in A])
y = np.array([row[-1] for row in A])
X_T = X.T
coefficients = np.linalg.inv(X_T @ X) @ X_T @ y
return [X_T.tolist(), coefficients.tolist()]
A = [[1, 5], [4, 8], [5, 9]]
# Output: [[[1, 4, 5], [5, 8, 9]], [4.1, 0.9]]
Your interviewer will assess your understanding of mathematical formulas and your ability to implement them in programs.
def bernoulli_sample(p):
1 with probability p or 0 with probability 1-p.
How to Answer
Implement a function that returns 1 with probability p and 0 with probability 1-p.
import random
def bernoulli_sample(p):
return 1 if random.random() < p else 0
p = 0.7
print(bernoulli_sample(p)) # Output: 1 or 0 with probability 0.7 or 0.3 respectively
This coding question assesses your understanding of prime numbers and their ability to implement a function efficiently. It also evaluates their problem-solving skills and knowledge of algorithms.
Note: Return an empty list if there are no prime numbers less than or equal to N.
N = 3
def prime_numbers(N) -> [2,3]
How to Answer
You can solve this problem by implementing a function that iterates through numbers from 2 to N and checks each number for primality. The function should return a list of prime numbers found. To improve efficiency, you can use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.
def prime_numbers(N):
primes = []
sieve = [True] * (N + 1)
sieve[0], sieve[1] = False, False
for num in range(2, int(N ** 0.5) + 1):
if sieve[num]:
for multiple in range(num * num, N + 1, num):
sieve[multiple] = False
for num in range(int(N ** 0.5) + 1, N + 1):
if sieve[num]:
return primes
# Test the function
N = 20
This problem assesses your ability to find the maximal substring shared by two given strings. It evaluates your string manipulation skills and understanding of algorithms for solving common problems.
Note: If there are multiple max substrings of the same length, just return any one of them.
string1 = 'mississippi'
string2 = 'mossyistheapple'
def maximal_substring(string1, string2) -> 'mssispp'
How to Answer
You can solve this problem by iterating through all possible substrings of both strings and checking for matches. Keep track of the length and content of each matching substring and return any one of the maximal substrings found.
def maximal_substring(string1, string2):
max_substring = ''
for i in range(len(string1)):
for j in range(len(string2)):
k = 0
while i + k < len(string1) and j + k < len(string2) and string1[i + k] == string2[j + k]:
k += 1
if k > len(max_substring):
max_substring = string1[i:i + k]
return max_substring
# Test the function
string1 = 'mississippi'
string2 = 'mossyistheapple'
print(maximal_substring(string1, string2))
# Output: 'ssis'
The interviewer will evaluate your ability to design an efficient algorithm for recommending fantasy teams for DraftKings users based on player performance data and user preferences. It assesses your knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and optimization techniques.
How to Answer
Propose using a combination of machine learning algorithms, such as collaborative filtering, and statistical analysis of player performance data to recommend fantasy teams that align with user preferences and risk tolerance.
“As a Software Engineer at DraftKings, I would design an algorithm that incorporates machine learning techniques to analyze historical player performance data and user preferences. This algorithm would consider factors such as player statistics, match-ups, and recent forms to recommend fantasy teams tailored to each user’s preferences and risk tolerance. Additionally, I would implement real-time updates to adjust recommendations based on live player performance data during games.”
This question evaluates your ability to design an algorithm for identifying and reacting to anomalies in live score feeds to ensure fair play and accurate wagering on DraftKings.
How to Answer
Discuss an algorithm that continuously monitors live score feeds for inconsistencies or anomalies compared to expected data patterns. Focus on how the algorithm should flag any suspicious activity and trigger automated responses, such as suspending affected games or notifying the relevant authorities for further investigation.
“My approach as a Software Engineer would be to design an algorithm that utilizes anomaly detection techniques, such as statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms, to monitor live score feeds for any irregularities or unexpected changes. This algorithm would compare real-time data against historical trends and predefined thresholds to identify anomalies indicative of potential unfair play or inaccuracies. Upon detection, the algorithm would trigger automated responses, such as suspending affected games, notifying administrators, and initiating further investigation to ensure fair play and accurate wagering.”
Your understanding of sorting algorithms and the ability to evaluate trade-offs in the context of efficiently retrieving and displaying relevant sports data to users on the DraftKings platform will be assessed through this question.
How to Answer
Discuss the trade-offs between different sorting algorithms, such as quicksort and merge sort, considering factors such as time complexity, space complexity, and stability. Also, highlight the suitability of each algorithm for efficiently sorting and retrieving relevant sports data for user display.
“I would consider various sorting algorithms, such as quicksort and merge sort, for efficiently sorting and retrieving relevant sports data to display to users.
Quicksort offers average-case time complexity of O(n log n) and is often preferred for its efficiency in practice. However, quicksort’s worst-case time complexity of O(n^2) and lack of stability may pose challenges in certain scenarios.
On the other hand, merge sort guarantees O(n log n) time complexity in all cases. It provides stability, making it suitable for applications where data integrity and worst-case performance are critical. Considering the trade-offs between time complexity, space complexity, and stability, I would carefully select the sorting algorithm that best suits the requirements of efficiently retrieving and displaying relevant sports data to users on the DraftKings platform.”
This practical scenario assesses your ability to design and track relevant metrics to measure the effectiveness of a new feature on the DraftKings platform, considering both user engagement and business impact.
How to Answer
Start by identifying indicators related to user engagement and business impact. Explain how you would instrument the code to collect relevant data. Discuss tools and platforms you would use for monitoring and analytics. Emphasize the importance of A/B testing in comparing the new feature’s performance against that of a control group.
“In designing and tracking metrics for a new feature at DraftKings, I would focus on user engagement metrics such as daily active users, time spent on the platform, and user interactions with the feature. For business impact, I’d consider metrics like conversion rates, revenue per user, and overall platform revenue. Using tools like Google Analytics and custom event tracking, I would collect and analyze this data. A/B testing would be crucial to compare the new feature’s performance against a control group, providing insights into its effectiveness.”
This real-world problem frequently occurs in fast-paced betting and on DFS platforms like DraftKings. The interviewer will assess your understanding of server-side programming through this question.
How to Answer
Discuss server-side elements that may help the platform scale rapidly. Mention cloud computing and CDN caching to manage the traffic spikes.
“As a DraftKings Software Engineer, I would first analyze the current traffic patterns to understand the extent of the surge and identify any potential bottlenecks in the system.
Next, I would scale up the infrastructure to handle the increased load. This might involve provisioning additional servers, increasing the capacity of existing servers, or leveraging cloud services like AWS Auto Scaling to automatically adjust resources based on demand.
I would also optimize the codebase and database queries to ensure efficient use of resources and minimize response times.
Additionally, I would implement rate limiting and throttling mechanisms to prevent the system from being overwhelmed by excessive traffic.”
This question evaluates your experience with testing frameworks and best practices for ensuring code quality and reliability in large-scale software projects.
How to Answer
Discuss your familiarity with popular testing frameworks like JUnit, Selenium, and Mockito. Highlight your experience in writing unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. Mention your involvement in test automation and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
“In my experience with testing frameworks, I’ve extensively used JUnit for unit testing and Selenium for end-to-end testing in large-scale software projects. I’ve also leveraged Mockito to mock dependencies in unit tests. I prioritize writing comprehensive unit tests to cover critical components and ensure code reliability. Additionally, I advocate for test automation using tools like Jenkins or Travis CI to enable continuous integration and deployment. Adhering to test-driven development practices, I believe in writing tests before writing code, which promotes better code quality and reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs.”
Your interviewer will assess your ability to identify and evaluate real-world challenges specific to the DraftKings platform through this question.
How to Answer
Explain the concept of cold-start problems in recommendation systems. Discuss the challenges posed by a diverse user base at DraftKings. Propose techniques such as content-based recommendations, collaborative filtering, and hybrid approaches to address cold-start problems. Mention the importance of leveraging user attributes and contextual information for personalized recommendations.
“Cold-start problems in recommendation systems occur when there is insufficient data about new users or items to generate accurate recommendations. At DraftKings, with a diverse user base spanning different sports interests and playing behaviors, this challenge is amplified.
To address this, we can utilize content-based recommendations, where user preferences are inferred based on the characteristics of items they interact with. Collaborative filtering techniques can also be employed, leveraging similarities between users or items to make recommendations. Hybrid approaches combining content-based and collaborative filtering methods offer a more robust solution. Additionally, incorporating user attributes such as demographics and contextual information like current events or sports trends can enhance the accuracy of recommendations for new users.”
Your understanding of the fundamental programming approaches will be tested with this question. The interviewer will seek to evaluate your experience in handling high-volume data.
How to Answer
Explain the differences between asynchronous programming and traditional multi-threading. Discuss the advantages of asynchronous programming and highlight the benefits of traditional multi-threading. Also, address the challenges of each approach.
“Asynchronous programming can offer advantages in handling high-volume data processing and concurrent user requests at DraftKings due to its non-blocking nature, which allows for better scalability and resource utilization compared to traditional multi-threading.
On the other hand, traditional multi-threading simplifies concurrent programming by using multiple threads to execute tasks simultaneously.
For DraftKings’ platform, where high concurrency and responsiveness are crucial, a combination of both asynchronous programming and traditional multi-threading might be appropriate. Asynchronous programming can be used for handling I/O-bound operations, such as network requests and database queries. At the same time, traditional multi-threading can be employed for CPU-bound tasks like intensive computations or analytics processing.”
dice each with m
faces, write a function combinational_dice_rolls
to dump all possible combinations of dice rolls. This problem assesses your ability to generate all possible combinations of dice rolls given a specific number of dice (n) and faces (m). It evaluates your understanding of combinatorial generation and recursive programming techniques.
n = 2
m = 2
def combinational_dice_rolls(n, m) -> [
(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)
How to Answer
You can solve this problem either by using loops or recursion. The looping method involves gradually building up the combinations by iterating through the dice and faces. The recursive method involves breaking down the problem into smaller subproblems, generating combinations for fewer dice, and then building up the final combinations.
Via looping
def combinational_dice_rolls(n, m):
if n == 0:
return []
# Will start with n == 1
result = [(j+1,) for j in range(m)] # will produce [(1,),(2,)...(m,)]
for _ in range(2, n+1):
# gradually add one dice combination untill we reach n
result = [((j+1,)+comb) for comb in result for j in range(m)]
return result # Return Result
Via recursion
def combinational_dice_rolls(n, m):
def recursive_rolls(n):
# Base Case
if n == 1:
return [(i+1,) for i in range(m)]
# New dice added to the all combinations
return [((chance+1,) + comb)
for comb in recursive_rolls(n-1) for chance in range(m)]
return recursive_rolls(n)
This problem assesses your ability to simulate drawing balls from a jar based on given counts for each color. It evaluates your understanding of probability, random sampling, and list manipulation.
jar = ['green', 'red', 'blue']
n_balls = [1, 10, 2]
# 1 green ball
# 10 red balls
# and 2 blue balls
sample_multinomial(jar, n_balls) -> "blue"
How to Answer
You can solve this problem by creating a new list where each ball color is repeated according to its count. Then, a random selection method was used to simulate drawing one ball from the jar.
import random
def sample_multinomial(jar, n_balls):
new_jar = []
for n, c in enumerate(n_balls):
for _ in range(c):
return random.choice(new_jar)
This question tests your understanding of foundational algorithms and your ability to work with iterative logic to solve problems efficiently. The interviewer wants to see how well you can explain algorithmic concepts like the Euclidean Algorithm and your ability to generalize solutions for multiple inputs.
How to Answer
Begin by explaining the concept of the GCD and its role in mathematics and programming. Discuss the Euclidean Algorithm as the basis for efficiently computing the GCD of two integers. Then, describe how the problem can be extended to compute the GCD of a list of integers by iteratively applying the two-number GCD function.
“The greatest common denominator (GCD) of a list of integers is the largest number that divides all the integers without leaving a remainder. To calculate the GCD efficiently, we use the Euclidean Algorithm, which reduces the problem of finding the GCD of two numbers at a time. Starting with the first two integers, we compute their GCD, then use this result to calculate the GCD with the next integer in the list, and so on. This iterative approach ensures that the solution is both efficient and scalable, making it ideal for handling lists of any size while maintaining computational simplicity.”
This question tests your ability to work with iterative logic and optimize computations to solve problems efficiently. The interviewer wants to assess your understanding of balancing algorithmic clarity with performance.
How to Answer
Start by explaining the problem of finding an index where the left and right sums of a list are equal. Highlight the inefficiency of recalculating sums repeatedly and introduce the optimized approach using a total sum and a running left sum. Emphasize the iterative process and how this ensures both correctness and efficiency, making it well-suited for handling lists of varying sizes.
“To find the index at which the sum of the left half of a list equals the sum of the right half, we can leverage an efficient approach that avoids recalculating sums repeatedly. By first computing the total sum of the list, we can determine the right side’s sum dynamically by subtracting the left side’s running total and the current value. As we iterate through the list, we check if the left sum matches the calculated right sum at each index. If a match is found, we return that index; otherwise, we return -1, ensuring the solution is both efficient and straightforward.”
It’s not going to be easy to crack the DraftKings Software Engineer interview. However, we’re here to help you and guide you on how to prepare for it. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects:
Revisit data structures, algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, and problem-solving techniques. Practice IQ interview questions relevant to the specific role you’re applying for. Also, focus on relevant concepts like machine learning and cloud computing.
Moreover, contribute to open-source projects. This demonstrates your coding skills and passion for the field. Enlist projects related to DraftKings’ domain (sports, gaming, etc.) for an extra edge.
Start by exploring the official Python documentation and tutorials for a foundational understanding. Interview Query also offers Python courses for beginners and advanced learners. The SQL Learning Path may also be relevant to your DraftKings Software Engineer interview.
Classic books like “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” and “Python Crash Course” may also provide practical learning experiences.
Utilize resources like our Software Engineer Interview Questions to find specific interview questions. Practice writing code implementations and explaining your thought process for these questions.
Research DraftKings’ culture and values and align your responses with their core principles. Prepare STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) stories to showcase your problem-solving skills, teamwork, and ability to overcome challenges using past experiences. Also, be ready to answer questions about teamwork, adaptability, communication, and handling pressure.
Participate in mock interviews with friends and colleagues using our Mock Interview feature. Get feedback on your technical and behavioral responses to refine your answers accordingly.
Moreover, constantly connect with other aspiring or current DraftKings engineers through online communities like discussing interview experiences, sharing preparation tips, and learning from each other.
Average Base Salary
Average Total Compensation
On average, DraftKings Software Engineers earn a base salary of $130K a year, with the mean total compensation reaching up to $273K for Senior Engineers. The base salary and the total compensation may vary depending on the experience required and your experience.
Please follow our Software Engineer Salary Guide to gain further information on the industry norms.
You may read about other candidates’ interview experiences at DraftKings and share your own on our Discussion Board.
You can discover job openings for Software Engineer roles at DraftKings on our Jobs Board. However, the availability of your desired role is subject to availability.
Drive yourself to success in DraftKings software engineer interview questions by diligently enhancing your technical skills, rehearsing interview scenarios, and conducting thorough research on the company. By following the main DraftKings Interview Guide, you’ll be fully prepared to impress the hiring team and secure your desired role as a Software Engineer.
In the meantime, consider broadening your options by exploring DraftKings Interview Guides for Data Analysts, Business Analysts, Growth Marketing Analysts, and Product Analysts.
Wishing you the best of luck!