DraftKings Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

DraftKings Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024DraftKings Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


Started in 2012, DraftKings proliferated as a daily fantasy sports platform. Currently, it offers a comprehensive sports experience with 15 professional sports in 7 countries. Data analysts at DraftKings play a vital role in the company’s strategy, where every decision is rooted in data. They help collect, analyze, and interpret vast datasets to provide valuable insights to help the company understand its current state.

If you’re looking for your first data analyst job or have an interview with DraftKings, this article is for you. Even if you’re an expert in data analysis, you could still struggle when responding to questions from hiring managers.

Since the market is highly competitive, you need to be well-prepared to stand out. In this guide, we reveal common questions asked in the DraftKings data analyst interview and the reasoning behind them.

We cover DraftKings’ hiring process and provide invaluable tips to help you excel. Let’s dive in!

What Is the Interview Process Like for a Data Analyst Role at DraftKings?

The interview process for a data analyst role at DraftKings typically consists of three to four stages to assess your analytical and problem-solving abilities and compatibility with the company culture. Here’s a closer look at the stages you’ll encounter:

Preliminary Screening

The process will begin with an initial screening call with a recruiter. This call may focus on your background, experience, and interest in the role. The recruiter will also ask about your familiarity with data analysis tools, programming languages, and any relevant projects or experiences.

Online Assessment

This stage involves an online assessment platform like HackerRank or Codility, where you complete coding challenges related to data analysis. You might also encounter technical questions to evaluate your knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and data analysis tools like SQL and Python.

Technical Interview

If you pass the online assessment, you’ll be invited to a technical interview. In this round, the DataKings interviewer will probe regarding specific data analysis methods, your experience with relevant tools and technologies, and how you would approach particular data analysis tasks.

Also, expect questions about your past projects, how you handled data-related challenges, and how you approached problem-solving and collaboration within a team.

Final Round

If you progress through these earlier stages, you will be invited to a final round of interviews. This could include meeting with senior data analysts. Expect more in-depth discussions about your past work, problem-solving abilities, and how you would contribute to DraftKings’ data analytics goals.

What Questions Are Commonly Asked in a DraftKings Data Analyst Interview?

The hiring managers typically focus on evaluating your proficiency in SQL and probability. However, you should also be well-versed in various other areas to successfully navigate the interview. Here are some key topics you should focus on:

  • SQL
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Data Visualization
  • Programming (Python & R)
  • Machine Learning
  • Product and Business Acumen
  • Behavioral Questions

Let’s look at some commonly asked questions and how to answer them.

1. Tell me about a complex data analysis project you’ve worked on. What were the challenges?

The interviewer wants to see how well you manage complex data projects and challenges. This will provide insight into your background and experience and help them assess your ability to tackle complex problems at DraftKings.

How to Answer

Use the STAR (situation, task, action, and result) method to answer this question. Select a project where you handled complex data challenges similar to those you might encounter working for DraftKings. Clearly explain the challenges faced and how you tackled them with specific tools, and highlight the positive impact of your work. Be honest about your contributions and the project’s actual impact without exaggerating.


“In my previous role, I led a project to predict customer churn for a subscription service, tackling challenges like massive data volume and varied sources. I spearheaded data cleaning with Python and SQL and applied Random Forest and Gradient Boosting models to identify churn patterns. The project improved churn prediction by 20% and enhanced retention strategies. It enabled the company to target at-risk customers more effectively with retention strategies.”

2. Why do you want to join DraftKings?

Hiring is an investment. Employers ask this to check if you are a perfect fit for their team. They want to make sure you are familiar with DraftKings and the role and that you’re not applying randomly to just any open position.

How to Answer

This simple question can be difficult to answer. Showcase your passion for the role, how your skills and interests align with DraftKings’ mission and values, and what aspects of the company excite you.


“I want to join DraftKings because I’m passionate about using my data analytics skills to enhance the user experience. My background in data analytics and my keen interest in sports make this role perfect for me. I’ve been particularly impressed with DraftKings’ innovative approach to user engagement, such as the recent introduction of live streaming for sporting events within the app. Joining DraftKings would allow me to combine my professional skills with my passion for sports, contributing to products I truly believe in and growing my career in a dynamic and supportive environment.”

3. Tell us about a project where you used data analysis to improve an existing process or product.

DraftKings excels in a fiercely competitive, analytics-centric sector where ongoing enhancement is critical for staying ahead. The interviewer wants to see your potential for using data analysis to improve the company and contribute to its growth and competitive edge.

How to Answer

Start by briefly describing the project, including its objective and the problem or opportunity you identified. Discuss the data analysis techniques and tools you used. Mention any challenges, how you overcame them, and the outcome.


“In my previous role, we noticed a significant drop in online sales for a popular product category. My task was to identify the cause and propose a solution. I led this project, and we analyzed customer behavior data, sales trends, and website interaction data to uncover the issue. I used Python for data cleaning and analysis, applying statistical methods to identify patterns in the data. Our analysis revealed that a recent website redesign had inadvertently made it more difficult for customers to find this product category, leading to decreased sales. Based on these insights, I proposed a series of website layout changes to make the product category more prominent and accessible. I collaborated with the web development team to implement these changes. Within a month of making the adjustments, we saw a 25% increase in sales for the affected category and a 10% increase in overall site engagement.”

4. How do you handle situations where you disagree with your manager’s decision on a project?

DraftKings operates in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. The interviewer wants to see how you can respectfully voice your opinions while maintaining a positive working relationship. This question assesses your communication style, problem-solving approach, and ability to handle conflicts.

How to Answer

Pick a situation in which you disagreed with your manager. Describe how you initiated a respectful dialogue to understand their reasoning and perspective. Highlight what you did to collaborate and brainstorm solutions jointly to reach a mutually agreeable outcome.


“In a recent project, I disagreed with my manager over prioritizing new features versus enhancing user experience. I initiated a private discussion, using survey and analytics data to demonstrate the existing users’ pain points, and proposed a balanced approach. We agreed to tackle user experience improvements while still adding new features based on their impact and feasibility. This strategy led to a better user journey and significantly boosted user retention.”

5. Describe a situation where you had to make a data-driven recommendation that conflicted with potential ethical concerns.

Data analysts at DraftKings work with complex data to make recommendations that help the business grow while following ethical and legal rules. This question checks whether you can match business goals with ethical standards to help keep the company’s operations responsible and lasting.

How to Answer

Briefly outline a scenario where your data-driven recommendation had potential ethical implications. Detail how you identified the ethical concerns and the steps you took to evaluate both the data and the moral implications.


“In my previous job, I analyzed customer data to boost engagement with personalized betting suggestions but noticed an ethical issue: it might encourage problem gambling. To solve this, I reviewed our ethical guidelines, conducted a risk assessment, and proposed a machine-learning model that balanced personalization with responsible gambling measures, like adjusting suggestions based on betting patterns. I also recommended initiatives to promote responsible gambling awareness. My team and company stakeholders positively received this approach, which balanced user engagement with safety.”

6. After introducing threading in Facebook Group comments, user comments increased by 10%, but posts decreased by 2%. Why might this happen, and what metrics would validate your theories?

DraftKings operates in a dynamic, user-centric environment where engagement metrics are crucial for evaluating user experience. The interviewer aims to understand your capability to propose and use relevant metrics to validate user behavior theories.

How to Answer

Offer brief, logical explanations for the changes in user behavior. Propose metrics that could validate your theories, demonstrating your understanding of data analysis.


“The 2% decrease in posts could be due to users finding it easier to engage within existing threads rather than creating new posts. To validate these theories, I would analyze several metrics. Firstly, I would look at the average engagement time per user session. If the total time spent on the platform remains consistent, it would suggest users are redirecting their time from creating posts to engaging in threaded discussions. Secondly, I’ll examine the comment-to-post ratio, where an increase would support the idea that threading is promoting more interaction within comments. Thirdly, feedback surveys or user interviews could provide insights into user behavior and preferences regarding the new feature. Lastly, analyzing the number of replies per post could also indicate if users are more inclined to participate in existing discussions.”

7. Explain the difference between a correlated subquery and a common table expression (CTE) and when you would use each.

Understanding the difference between correlated subqueries and common table expressions (CTEs) is important for efficiently managing complex data retrieval and manipulation tasks. This question is relevant in a DraftKings data analyst interview as it assesses your understanding of SQL concepts and ability to optimize query performance.

How to Answer

Explain the key differences between a correlated subquery and a common table expression. Provide scenarios where you would use one or the other.


“A correlated subquery is a type of subquery that references columns from the outer query, executing once for each row processed by the outer query. It helps in performing row-by-row comparisons or filtering based on conditions from the outer query’s result set. A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary result set that is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. It improves query readability by breaking down complex queries into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, if I needed to find the average points scored by each player in a DraftKings fantasy league, I might use a CTE to calculate the total points scored by each player first and then calculate the average from the CTE result set. However, in a scenario where I need to retrieve the top 5 players based on their average points scored in the last 3 games for each team, I might use a correlated subquery.”

8. Given an array nums of length n containing numbers from 0 to n with one missing, write a function missing_number to find the missing number.

Data analysts at DraftKings work with various datasets, and identifying missing or inconsistent data is a common challenge. Writing code to handle issues efficiently helps ensure data quality and accuracy. The interviewer is testing your coding skills and ability to think critically.

How to Answer

Start by explaining how you would approach the problem and any algorithms or formulas you would use. Highlight how your solution is optimized for time and/or space complexity. Provide a brief, clear code snippet in a language of your proficiency that solves the problem.


“To find the missing number in an array nums containing numbers from 0 to n with one missing, I would use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series, which is n*(n+1)/2, where n is the highest number. This sum represents what the total should be if numbers weren’t missing. Then, I’d subtract the actual sum of the array from this expected sum to find the missing number. This approach is efficient, with a time complexity of O(n) and space complexity of O(1).

Here’s a Python function that implements this logic:

def missing_number(nums):
    n = len(nums)
    expected_sum = n * (n + 1) // 2
    actual_sum = sum(nums)
    return expected_sum - actual_sum

9. Explain the difference between correlation and causation. Provide an example from the sports domain where correlation might be misleading.

This question is important for a DraftKings data analyst interview because it tests your knowledge of basic statistics and how well you can understand data relationships. In a sports-centric environment like DraftKings, distinguishing between correlation and causation is important for making informed decisions based on data analysis.

How to Answer

Explain what correlation and causation mean in statistical terms. Give a sports-related scenario where correlation might be misinterpreted as causation. Explain why it’s essential to distinguish between the two in sports analytics.


“Correlation is a statistical measure of the relationship between two variables, indicating how they move together. However, it doesn’t imply causation, meaning that one doesn’t necessarily cause the other just because two variables are correlated. Causation implies a direct cause-and-effect relationship between variables, where changes in one variable directly lead to changes in the other. Let’s consider the correlation between player jersey sales and their on-field performance in a sports context. A high correlation might suggest that as a player’s performance improves, their jersey sales also increase. However, this correlation doesn’t imply that the player’s performance directly causes the increase in jersey sales.”

10. How would you interpret coefficients of logistic regression for categorical and boolean variables?

DraftKings relies heavily on data analysis to make informed decisions in the sports betting and gaming industry. This question is asked in a DraftKings data analyst interview to gauge your ability to accurately interpret the results of logistic regression models.

How to Answer

Describe how coefficients for categorical variables show the impact of each category compared to a reference category.


“In logistic regression, coefficients for categorical variables show how the odds of the outcome change with different categories compared to a reference category. For boolean variables, they indicate how the odds change when the variable switches from 0 to 1. For instance, if determining a team’s win probability based on playing at home (yes or no), a positive coefficient for ‘home advantage’ means playing at home increases the team’s odds of winning.“

11. Write a Python function that calculates the rolling average of a player’s fantasy points over the past five games.

In a DraftKings data analyst interview, this question tests your ability to work with time-series data, which commonly occurs in sports analytics. It also tests your ability to manipulate and aggregate data efficiently using Python.

How to Answer

Write a Python function that calculates the rolling average of a player’s fantasy points over the last five games. Utilize Python libraries like Pandas for efficient data manipulation. Account for scenarios where the player has fewer than five games or handling missing values.


import pandas as pd

def calculate_rolling_avg(points_list):
    Calculates the rolling average of a player's fantasy points over the past five games.
    - points_list: List of fantasy points for each game in chronological order
    - List of rolling average of fantasy points for each game
    points_series = pd.Series(points_list)
    rolling_avg = points_series.rolling(window=5, min_periods=1).mean()
    return rolling_avg.tolist()

# Example usage:
player_points = [20, 25, 18, 30, 22, 28, 24, 32]
rolling_average = calculate_rolling_avg(player_points)

The calculate_rolling_avg function takes a list of fantasy points for each game in chronological order. It converts the list into a Pandas Series and then calculates the rolling average using the rolling function with a window size of 5 (for the last five games) and min_periods=1 to include calculations even when there are fewer than five games. The function returns a list of the rolling average of fantasy points for each game.

12. Write a query to identify DraftKings users who placed more than three bets each in both 2019 and 2020.

Identifying users who placed multiple bets in consecutive years helps in understanding customer loyalty and engagement trends. This question is significant in a DraftKings data analyst interview as it evaluates your SQL proficiency and ability to filter and aggregate data based on given conditions.

How to Answer

Write an SQL query that selects users who placed more than three bets in both 2019 and 2020. Utilize SQL aggregate functions like COUNT() to count the number of bets placed by each user. Apply conditions to filter users based on their betting activity in each year.


SELECT user_id
FROM bets
WHERE year = 2019
GROUP BY user_id
AND user_id IN (
    SELECT user_id
    FROM bets
    WHERE year = 2020
    GROUP BY user_id

Here, the SQL query selects user_id from the bets table where the year is 2019. It groups the results by user_id and applies a HAVING clause to count the number of distinct bet_id for each user. The condition COUNT(DISTINCT bet_id) > 3 ensures that only users who placed more than three bets in 2019 are included.

Next, the query checks for the same condition but for the year 2020, using a subquery with the same structure. The result is a user_id list of those who placed more than three bets in both 2019 and 2020.

13. Write an SQL query to identify users who place bets on the same game with identical selections within a short time frame.

DraftKings, being a leading sports betting platform, ensures the integrity of betting activities. This question is relevant in the data analyst interview to evaluate your proficiency in writing more complex SQL queries that involve time-based analysis and comparison of user activities.

How to Answer

Highlight how you would isolate records where bets are placed on the same game with identical selections. Mention how to incorporate a time frame analysis to detect bets placed within a short period. Explain the use of GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to aggregate data based on game, selection, and time criteria.


SELECT game_id, selection, COUNT(*) AS num_bets, MIN(bet_time) AS first_bet_time, MAX(bet_time) AS last_bet_time
FROM bets
WHERE bet_time BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-12-31'
GROUP BY game_id, selection
AND MAX(bet_time) - MIN(bet_time) <= INTERVAL '10 minutes'
ORDER BY num_bets DESC;

Here, I’m identifying users who placed bets on the same game with identical selections within a 10-minute window. I select game_id and selection from the bets table, focusing on bets placed within a specific year (WHERE bet_time BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-12-31').

*By grouping the results by game_id and selection (GROUP BY game_id, selection), I can aggregate bets that meet our criteria. The HAVING clause filters these groups to include only those with more than one bet (COUNT(*) > 1) and where the time difference between the first and last bet (MAX(bet_time) - MIN(bet_time)) is 10 minutes or less.*

14. Write a query to return the two DraftKings players with the closest fantasy points and their point difference. If there are ties, select the player combination with the higher total fantasy points.

DraftKings focuses on accurate scoring systems to determine player performance and payouts. The interviewer is checking your SQL proficiency and ability to calculate and compare fantasy points.

How to Answer

Write a query to calculate the difference between fantasy points for all player combinations. Then, order the results by the absolute point difference and total fantasy points in descending order and limit the output to the top two players. Lastly, include logic to handle ties by selecting the player combination with the higher total fantasy points.


WITH player_combinations AS (
    SELECT p1.player_id AS player1_id, p1.fantasy_points AS player1_points,
           p2.player_id AS player2_id, p2.fantasy_points AS player2_points,
           ABS(p1.fantasy_points - p2.fantasy_points) AS point_difference,
           (p1.fantasy_points + p2.fantasy_points) AS total_points
    FROM players p1
    JOIN players p2 ON p1.player_id < p2.player_id
SELECT player1_id, player2_id, point_difference, total_points
FROM player_combinations
ORDER BY point_difference, total_points DESC

*Here, I created a Common Table Expression (CTE) player_combinations that joins the players table with itself to generate all possible player combinations. For each combination, I calculated the absolute difference in fantasy points (point_difference) and the total fantasy points (total_points) for the pair.*

*The main query then selects the player1_id, player2_id, point_difference, and total_points from the player_combinations CTE. I ordered the results first by point_difference in ascending order and then by total_points in descending order to handle ties by selecting the combination with the higher total fantasy points. Finally, I limited the output to the top two player combinations with the closest fantasy points.*

15. Describe the concept of overfitting in machine learning, how it can impact a model’s performance, and techniques used to prevent overfitting.

Overfitting can significantly impact the accuracy and effectiveness of predictive models. The interviewer wants to evaluate your understanding of overfitting and how well your models will perform on unseen data, which is critical for predictions in sports outcomes or betting patterns at DraftKings.

How to Answer

To answer this, explain what overfitting is and why it’s a problem. Discuss how overfitting can negatively affect a model’s performance in real-world applications. Describe techniques to prevent overfitting, demonstrating your knowledge of machine learning best practices.


“Overfitting in machine learning occurs when a model learns too well the noise and details of the training data, compromising its ability to generalize to new, unseen data. An overfitted model might perform well on historical data but fail to accurately predict future events, leading to suboptimal betting odds and customer offerings. To prevent overfitting, several techniques are commonly used. Regularization methods such as L1 and L2 regularization add penalties to the model’s complexity, discouraging it from fitting noise. Cross-validation helps by using a portion of the data to validate the model during training, ensuring it performs well on unseen data. Pruning, particularly for decision trees, involves removing branches that contribute little to classification power. Feature selection techniques reduce the number of input variables, simplifying the model. Lastly, early stopping involves halting the training process before the model becomes too complex.”

16. Merge two dataframes: one with DraftKings players’ IDs and partial addresses and another linking cities to states. Write a function to combine them, formatting each entry as ID, street, city, state, and zip code.

Data analysts at DraftKings deal with diverse data types, ranging from player details and match statistics to external datasets. The ability to efficiently combine, cleanse, and format disparate data is important for developing and maintaining data pipelines and analysis models. This question allows the interviewer to check your skills in managing these responsibilities.

How to Answer

Write a function that merges two dataframes based on a common key, such as player IDs. Combine the relevant columns from both dataframes to create a new dataframe with the desired format (ID, street, city, state, zip code). Ensure the function handles missing or mismatched data appropriately.


*“To tackle this, I’d write a Python function, merge_player_addresses, that takes two dataframes: players_df with player IDs and partial addresses and cities_df linking cities to states with zip codes. I’d then merge these dataframes on the common key 'city', creating merged_df. From merged_df, I’d extract the desired columns ('player_id', 'street', 'city', 'state', 'zip_code') to create the formatted dataframe formatted_df. The resulting formatted_df would contain each player’s ID, street, city, state, and zip code information.”*

17. How would you build a system for suggesting fantasy sports lineups to users?

Recommending lineups based on certain factors can significantly improve the user experience and increase player retention at DraftKings. This question tests your approach to building a model and your ability to analyze player data and generate personalized recommendations.

How to Answer

Discuss how you would analyze player performance data, historical statistics, and user preferences. Explain your choice of recommendation algorithms, such as collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, or hybrid models. Describe how you would personalize recommendations for each user and the metrics you would use.


“I would start by collecting and examining a diverse set of data, including player statistics, historical performance, match outcomes, user interactions, and other external factors. Next, I would select the appropriate recommendation algorithm based on the dataset characteristics. Collaborative filtering can be effective for suggesting lineups based on similar user preferences, while content-based filtering considers player attributes and past performance. Then, I would tailor recommendations for each user by considering their past lineup selections, preferred players, position preferences, and even favorite teams. To evaluate the recommendation system’s performance, I would use metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score.”

18. Given a table of DraftKings users’ product purchases, write a query to count the number of users who made additional bets after their first bet, indicating upsold customers.

Understanding user behavior and identifying potential upsell opportunities is important for DraftKings’ business growth. Data analysts play a key role in developing and analyzing user data to extract insights and inform marketing strategies. This question assesses your ability to apply data analysis and SQL skills to address business objectives.

How to Answer

Before diving into the code, outline the steps your query will take. This shows you’re not just coding blindly but have a clear plan. Mention identifying the date of each user’s first bet, counting subsequent bets made by each, and filtering to include only those with one or more additional bets.


*“In addressing this task, I’d first aim to isolate the initial bet made by each user. This involves creating a common table expression (CTE) that selects the minimum bet date for each user, effectively pinpointing their first bet. Next, I’d count the number of bets placed by each user after this initial bet date. This step requires joining the CTE with the original bets table on the user ID, and then filtering for bets occurring after the first bet date. By grouping the results by user ID, I can aggregate the total number of additional bets made. Finally, to identify upsold customers, I’d apply a HAVING clause to filter out any users who haven’t made subsequent bets.”*

19. How would you design an A/B test to evaluate the effectiveness of a new user interface on the DraftKings app?

Asking about the design of an A/B test during a DraftKings data analyst interview checks your ability to apply data-driven methodologies to evaluate and improve product features, which is important for optimizing user experience and engagement. It also tests your understanding of experimental design, statistical analysis, and how to interpret and act on data insights.

How to Answer

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the A/B testing framework, including setting objectives, defining metrics, ensuring statistical significance, and considering user experience.


“In designing an A/B test for DraftKings’ new app interface, I’d first set a clear goal, like improving user engagement. I’d randomly assign users to a control group with the old interface and a treatment group with the new one to ensure unbiased results. Key metrics like session time and interaction rates would measure engagement. The test would run long enough to collect meaningful data, aiming for statistical significance. Analysis would involve comparing the two groups’ performance on these metrics. If the new interface significantly enhances user engagement without negative impacts, we’d consider it successful. This plan ensures a thorough and ethical evaluation of the new interface’s effectiveness.”

20. You are testing hundreds of hypotheses with many t-tests at Draftkings. What should you keep in mind?

Performing numerous t-tests simultaneously increases the chances of encountering false positives. Understanding the limitations of t-tests and approaches to address them demonstrates your ability to conduct rigorous data analysis and minimize the risk of misleading results in a high-volume testing environment like DraftKings.

How to Answer

Explain the issue of multiple testing and how it increases the chances of false positives. Mention techniques such as Bonferroni correction, false discovery rate (FDR), or Holm–Bonferroni method to adjust for multiple comparisons. Highlight the importance of considering statistical power and sample size to ensure reliable results.


“When conducting hundreds of t-tests at DraftKings, the issue of multiple testing arises, increasing the likelihood of false positives or Type I errors. To mitigate this, I would employ correction methods such as Bonferroni or false discovery rate (FDR) adjustments. These methods control the family-wise error rate or the expected proportion of false discoveries among all rejected hypotheses. Considering statistical power and sample size is crucial to ensure our tests have enough sensitivity to detect true effects. It’s also important to maintain consistency in metrics across tests to ensure meaningful comparisons. Transparent reporting is key. I would document the correction methods used, the adjusted p-values, and the interpretation of results.“

Tips When Preparing for a Data Analyst Interview at DraftKings

Preparation is the key to confidence. By following these tips and dedicating time to each aspect of your preparation, you’ll be well-equipped to make a strong impression during your DraftKings data analyst interview.

Research DraftKings

Familiarize yourself with the company’s vision, products, and recent news. Understand their revenue streams, customer base, and market challenges. Knowing these shows genuine interest and helps you tailor your responses to their goals.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with DraftKings and understood the company’s vision, product offerings, and role requirements, continue your preparation by following Interview Query’s learning path for data analysts.

Brush Up on Technical Skills

Master complex SQL queries, such as joins, subqueries, and window functions. Brush up on your understanding of probability, statistical tests, and regression analysis. Additionally, make sure you’re skilled in using Python or R for data manipulation, analysis, and creating visualizations. Familiarize yourself with basic machine learning algorithms and concepts.

Interview Query offers an extensive collection of practice questions covering these technical topics. Use these to refine your problem-solving skills.

Prepare Case Studies

Consider creating mock case studies that showcase your data analysis skills and apply them to relevant scenarios in the sports betting or fantasy sports context. These can be presented as part of your portfolio or used to answer hypothetical questions during the interview.

Check out Interview Query’s “Top SQL Case Study Questions” and “Data Analytics Case Study Guide” for a curated selection of practice materials tailored to help you excel in your preparation.

Mock Interviews

Practice mock interviews at Interview Query focused on technical and behavioral questions. Doing this can help reduce interview anxiety and improve your ability to articulate your thoughts under pressure.


What’s the salary of DraftKings’ Data Analyst here on Interview Query?

We don't have enough data points to render this information. Submit your salary and get access to thousands of salaries and interviews.

For a comprehensive overview of salaries of the data analyst role in general, visit our detailed Data Analyst Salary page.

What are other companies I can apply to as a Data Analyst apart from DraftKings?

Aside from DraftKings, many industries offer exciting opportunities for data analysts. Consider exploring roles at companies such as Roblox, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Tesla, all of which are actively seeking talented individuals in the field of data analysis.

Does Interview Query have job postings for the DraftKings Data Analyst Role?

Yes, Interview Query regularly updates its job board with current openings, including positions for Data Analyst roles at DraftKings. Apply directly through DraftKings’ official career page if you find a suitable match.


If you follow the tips and insights provided throughout this article, you’ll be well on your way to excelling in your data analyst interview at DraftKings.

If you want to practice more interview questions related to the role, head over to our “2023 Guide: 60+ Must-Know Excel Questions for Data Analysts” and “Top 100+ Data Analyst Interview Questions,” where we provide a comprehensive list of questions that you could encounter in your data analyst interview.

Additionally, for those interested in exploring opportunities other than the data analyst role, we’ve also covered other positions at DraftKings, such as Data Engineer, Data Scientist, and Software Engineer.

Lastly, it’s important to be well-prepared for responding to situational or behavioral questions. Check out our “Top 25 Data Analyst Behavioral Interview Questions” to ensure you’re ready.

Best of luck with your interview!