IBM Machine Learning Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

IBM Machine Learning Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024IBM Machine Learning Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


Known for its rich history of innovation and global impact, IBM offers exciting opportunities if you’re looking to make a mark in the field of AI.

With competitive salaries, flexible work from home options, health benefits, and a comprehensive RBA (Retirement Benefit Account), IBM is a generous employer and prioritizes the needs of their “IBMers”.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the IBM Machine Learning Engineer interview process, and equip you with handy tips to stand out as a candidate. Most importantly, we will delve into a handpicked list of questions commonly asked in IBM ML Engineer interviews and provide our guidance on how to best tackle them.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clearer picture of what to anticipate and how to prepare for the IBM interview.

What is the Interview Process Like for a Machine Learning Engineer Role at IBM?

This role requires in-depth knowledge of machine learning, statistical modeling, coding, and algorithms. Apart from theoretical concepts, the interviewers will test how well you can implement these skills in real-world scenarios. Finally, cultural fit is important, so make sure to practice common behavioral questions too.

Please note that the questions and structure of the interview process will differ based on the type of machine learning role; ML scientists and engineers have a similar domain but different functions. Always read the job description carefully while preparing your interview strategy.

The process generally has multiple rounds spanning several weeks.

Step 1: Preliminary Screening

A recruiter would potentially schedule a call with you to get a sense of your persona and work experience. They may also ask you why you want to join IBM, or ask Resume/CV-based questions, so prepare some canned responses to help you sail through this important step.

Step 2: Online assessment

You may be given a takehome assignment where you’ll need to solve a set of problems on statistics and coding within a given period of time.

Step 3: Technical Interviews

Successful candidates then undergo one or two technical interviews, usually via video chat with a potential teammate or manager. These involve both technical (coding and algorithm questions) and past project-based questions.

Step 4: Final Round

If you do well in the technical rounds, you will be interviewed by a potential teammate, manager, or an HR representative. This last round will assess how well you fit in the company culture and team, and will be a mix of behavioral and case study questions.

What Questions Are Asked in an IBM Machine Learning Engineer Interview?

The interview questions for a Machine Learning Engineer position at IBM are designed to comprehensively evaluate both the technical and practical aspects of machine learning.

They test a candidate’s understanding of statistical principles, programming proficiency, and expertise in various machine learning models. These questions also probe the candidate’s skills in data preprocessing, feature engineering, and the application of advanced concepts like transfer learning and ensemble methods.

More of which will be provided below:

1. Given that X and Y are independent random variables with normal distributions, what is the mean and variance of the distribution of 2X−Y when the corresponding distributions are X∼N(3,4) and Y∼N(1,4)?

For a Machine Learning Engineer at IBM, this question is relevant because it evaluates a candidate’s ability to work with probability distributions as these concepts will be required to develop robust solutions for clients.

How to Answer

Utilize the properties of expected values and variances for linear combinations of random variables. In this scenario, compute the answer using the individual means and variances of X and Y.


“The mean (expected value) of 2X - Y can be calculated as follows: E(2X - Y) = 2E(X) - E(Y) = 2(3) - 1 = 6 - 1 = 5. The variance of 2X - Y is calculated as: Var(2X - Y) = 2^2 * Var(X) + (-1)^2 * Var(Y) = 4 * 4 + 1 * 4 = 16 + 4 = 20.”

2. Implement the k-means clustering algorithm in Python from scratch, and return a list of the cluster of each point in the original list in the same order.

In an IBM interview for a Machine Learning role, demonstrating your knowledge of algorithms such as k-means clustering is essential to fine-tune IBM’s products and services, like IBM Watson. Watson’s natural language processing capabilities can be thus enhanced for document clustering or topic modeling.

How to Answer

You should briefly outline the key components of the k-means clustering algorithm and provide a step-by-step explanation of how the algorithm is implemented in Python, highlighting key considerations.


“The algorithm’s steps are: initializing centroids, assigning data points to clusters, updating centroids, and iterating until convergence. The use of NumPy will allows for efficient vectorized calculations. Array indexing to access data points, np.mean(), and boolean indexing to filter data points by cluster, are some of the techniques and functions used.”

3. Given two strings A and B, write a function to return whether A can be shifted some number of places to get B.

This question evaluates your proficiency in dealing with text data preprocessing or sequence-related tasks in machine learning projects at IBM.

How to Answer

Explain your logic clearly, and remember to mention handling edge cases like empty strings or strings of different lengths.


“I would first check if A and B are of equal length, as that is the only scenario where this shift is feasible. Then, I would concatenate A with itself, forming a new string A+A. The logic is that if B is a shifted version of A, then B must be a substring of A+A. For example, if A is ‘abcd’ and B is ‘cdab’, concatenating A with itself gives ‘abcdabcd’, and you can see that B is a substring of this.”

4. When are SVMs preferable to deep learning models?

This question is posed in an IBM interview for a Machine Learning Engineer role to evaluate your ability to discern when to choose one model over another, in applications such as IBM’s cloud-based AI solution.

How to Answer

Start by asking clarifying questions and assessing requirements. Present your solution. Clearly state any assumptions you’ve made and how you would validate the choice of one model over another.


“Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are preferred over deep learning models when dealing with small datasets, maintaining model interpretability, or facing resource constraints. SVMs offer clear decision boundaries and robustness against overfitting. However, deep learning models are valuable for complex tasks with abundant data, albeit at a higher computational cost, and may lack interpretability, while logistic regression provides a balanced approach suitable for many classification tasks within IBM’s diverse machine learning projects.”

5. Let’s say you have a categorical variable with thousands of distinct values, how would you encode it?

This question evaluates your ability to handle categorical variables efficiently, as this type of use case may be presented in enhancing IBM’s cloud-based AI solutions and as an ML Engineer you would need to be adept at preprocessing data.

How to Answer

Begin by explaining the challenges posed, such as increased dimensionality and overfitting. Then, discuss encoding techniques, considering the specific context and goals of the machine learning project.


“One popular approach is to use one-hot encoding to create binary columns for each category. This preserves the nominal nature of the variable and prevents the model from assuming ordinal relationships. However, it’s essential to consider the trade-off between increased dimensionality and the benefits of this encoding method within the context of the specific problem.”

6. Given a dictionary with weights, write a function that returns a key at random with a probability proportional to the weights.

In reinforcement learning projects at IBM, for instance, ML Engineers often need to select actions based on their expected rewards. This question simultaneously tests your Python and probability concepts.

How to Answer

Discuss the key components of the solution, including extracting keys and weights from the dictionary and using random.choices() for random selection.


“To achieve this, we need to extract the keys and weights from the input weighted_dict. Then, I’d implement the random.choices() function from the random module to perform a random selection with probabilities based on the provided weights.”

7. Suppose we have a binary classification model that classifies whether or not an applicant should be qualified to get a loan. Given we don’t have access to the feature weights, how would we give each rejected applicant a reason why they got rejected?

You will need to handle the practical aspect of providing explanations for model predictions, especially when talking to clients who aren’t as technically proficient. As a potential employee of IBM’s machine learning team, you need to demonstrate that you can interpret models in a real-life problem.

How to Answer

Mention different potential approaches, such as using interpretable models like decision trees or post-hoc interpretability techniques like LIME or SHAP values. Clarify the reasons you’ve chosen a particular approach, and state any assumptions you make.


“We can leverage post-hoc interpretability techniques like Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) or Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) values. LIME perturbs the input features for each applicant, observes how the model’s prediction changes, and generates explanations based on the model’s behavior. SHAP values provide a more theoretically grounded explanation. In this situation, since we’d want a quick, instance-specific explanation, LIME would be more suitable.”

8. How would you interpret coefficients of logistic regression for categorical and boolean variables?

As IBM strives to fine tune its classifiers and predictive models, this question explores your depth as an ML Engineer to improve these systems.

How to Answer

Discuss the interpretation of logistic regression coefficients in the context of a typical IBM business problem. Emphasize understanding the relationship between these variables and the predicted variable.


To interpret the coefficient of a categorical variable, you can consider its exponentiated value, which gives us the odds ratio. An odds ratio greater than 1 indicates that the presence of that category increases the odds of the binary outcome. An odds ratio of less than 1 indicates that the presence of that category decreases the odds of the binary outcome relative to the reference category. The magnitude of the odds ratio represents the strength of the association between the categorical variable and the binary outcome.

9. Assume you have a logistic model that is heavily weighted on one variable, and that one variable has sample data like 50.00, 100.00, 40.00, etc. Now, there was a data quality issue with that variable and an unknown number of values removed the decimal point. For example 100.00 turned into 10000. Would the model still be valid?

As an IBMer in machine learning projects, you can expect frequent data quality issues in complex datasets, and it will be your responsibility to address them.

How to Answer

Explain how the affected variable would impact the model’s coefficients and predictions. Then propose potential solutions to fix the model, such as data preprocessing, feature engineering, or outlier detection. Make sure to ask clarifying questions first to have a clear context of the business scenario.


“I’d say that the model would not be valid any longer because the order of magnitude of the input data would be off, even if the trends don’t change. To fix the model, I would consider looking at the distribution of the order of magnitudes of the data before the error occurred and then correct it by quantile matching the order of magnitude of the data for the required period.”

10. Imagine you are tasked with improving a recommendation system. How would you design the engine, and what machine learning algorithms would you consider?

The recommendation system is an important application in IBM’s cloud services. This question tests your ability as a Machine Learning Engineer to apply your theoretical knowledge to a practical case study.

How to Answer

Ascertain the scope of the problem and the specific context in which it would be implemented. Explain the rationale behind your solution and highlight the importance of continuous improvement through user feedback and iterative development.


“I would first collect and preprocess user interaction data, including user profiles and service usage history. I’d employ a hybrid approach, combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering, to provide more accurate and personalized recommendations. Evaluation metrics like MAE and RMSE would be used to assess performance, and the system would be deployed. Continuous improvement through user feedback, scalability considerations, and ethical data handling would be integral to the system’s success.”

11. Write a Python function to efficiently search for a specific record in a massive dataset. Explain the data structures and algorithms you would use to optimize search performance.

IBM’s data centers process vast amounts of data. As an ML Engineer you would need expertise in big data systems and efficient data retrieval.

How to Answer

Discuss the algorithms used for optimizing search performance in massive datasets. In this case, mention the binary search algorithm and its time complexity. Explain how it works and why it is a suitable choice for sorted datasets.


“The binary search algorithm is particularly effective for sorted datasets as it offers a time complexity of O(log n), where n is the dataset’s size. The binary search algorithm works by initializing two pointers, ‘left’ and ‘right,’ at the beginning and end of the dataset, respectively. It repeatedly calculates the middle index, ‘mid,’ and compares the value at ‘mid’ with the target record. Based on this comparison, it adjusts the search range by updating ‘left’ and ‘right.’ It is an optimal choice for large datasets due to its ability to minimize the number of comparisons required.”

12. In an ML project to predict hardware failures, how would you evaluate the performance of your model?

Machine Learning Engineers at IBM are often tasked with server upkeep, and being able to efficiently predict failures is crucial in such projects. The interviewer wants to test how you would ensure the model’s reliability in a real-world context.

How to Answer

Speak to the significance of precision, recall, and F1-score as relevant metrics for this problem. Explain how you would ensure the model’s reliability through cross-validation, monitoring, and feedback loops.


“I’d focus on key metrics such as precision, recall, and the F1-score. Precision measures the accuracy of positive predictions, recall assesses the model’s ability to identify actual failures, and the F1-score strikes a balance between the two. I’d ensure the model’s overall reliability by regularly checking its performance as IBM’s server infrastructure evolves, and implementing feedback loops.”

13. How would you identify and handle outliers in a dataset used for forecasting demand?

Machine Learning Engineers may need to work on projects that forecast demand in IBM’s supply chain. This problem assesses your knowledge of data preprocessing techniques and your understanding of the impact of outliers on forecasting accuracy.

How to Answer

Go through data visualization techniques and statistical methods in the context of the specific domain that the scenario entails.


“Firstly, we’d need to visualize the data using box plots or scatter plots to identify outliers. We could use statistical methods such as Z-scores or the Interquartile Range (IQR) to quantitatively detect outliers. Not handling outliers can lead to skewed predictions and erroneous inventory management. We’d also need to validate the impact of outlier handling on forecast accuracy through metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) to ensure that our forecasts align more closely with actual demand patterns in IBM’s supply chain.”

14. Explain the trade-offs between bias and variance in machine learning models.

In machine learning projects at IBM, you will need to understand this important trade-off in order to reconcile your technical knowledge with your domain expertise, for example in a customer churn prediction problem.

How to Answer

Define bias and variance in the context of machine learning. Explain the trade-offs, emphasizing the impact of underfitting (high bias) and overfitting (high variance) on model performance. Discuss your recommended strategies to find the optimal balance.


“Bias represents the error introduced by overly simplistic assumptions in a model. When a model exhibits high bias, it tends to oversimplify the problem and underfit the data. On the other hand, variance represents the error due to excessive model complexity, causing the model to fit the training data too closely. Techniques like cross-validation to assess model performance, regularization to control complexity, and thoughtful algorithm selection will help us assess the required trade-off in a specific scenario.”

15. How would you leverage transfer learning to build a custom machine learning model? Provide an example of a scenario where transfer learning would be particularly beneficial and explain your approach.

In an IBM Machine Learning context, transfer learning can be leveraged for tasks like image classification, natural language processing, or recommendation systems.

How to Answer

Explain the concept of transfer learning and its benefits. Provide a specific example scenario where transfer learning and elaborate your approach. Emphasize your strategy for performance monitoring.


“Consider a scenario where we aim to create an image recognition system to detect anomalies in manufacturing. Here, we could implement a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN), such as a ResNet or Inception model. I would fine-tune the pre-trained CNN on a dataset of manufacturing images, customizing the output layer to classify anomalies. This approach accelerates model convergence, reduces training time, and improves accuracy, allowing IBM to deploy an efficient anomaly detection system within project deadlines.”

16. Explain the architecture and components of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

At IBM, machine learning teams use CNNs in various applications, including image and video analysis, natural language processing, and more. IBM’s ML projects involve processing large volumes of data, making CNNs a valuable tool for extracting meaningful features and patterns.

How to Answer

Start by explaining the key components of a CNN. Describe how these components work together to process and transform input data. Emphasize the relevance of CNNs in IBM ML projects, where they can be applied to tasks like image recognition, object detection, and text classification, among others.


A typical CNN architecture consists of convolutional layers that extract features from input data, pooling layers that reduce spatial dimensions, fully connected layers for high-level feature learning, and activation functions like ReLU for introducing non-linearity. CNNs are particularly valuable in IBM ML projects, where they enable tasks such as image recognition, object detection, and sentiment analysis by learning hierarchical representations from large datasets and enhancing model performance and automation in various domains.”

17. Explain the concept of ensemble learning, and provide an example of how ensemble methods can be applied to improve model performance.

IBM often deals with complex data-driven ML projects spanning various domains. Ensemble methods, like Random Forest, are highly relevant as they can significantly enhance model performance and generalization, and the interviewer will want to assess your expertise on this subject.

How to Answer

Define ensemble learning and its purpose. Then, provide a specific example relevant to IBM, such as customer churn prediction for IBM Cloud Services. Explain how ensemble methods can be applied in this scenario.


“Consider the task of predicting customer churn for IBM Cloud Services. Ensemble methods like Random Forest can be applied by aggregating predictions from multiple decision trees. This approach not only improves the accuracy of churn predictions but also reduces bias and variance.”

18. Why do you want to work with us?

The interviewer wants to know that you aren’t applying randomly, that you have an active interest in working for IBM, and that you are passionate about leveraging your ML expertise to drive business value.

How to Answer

Start with what you admire about IBM and how it ties with your mission and career goals. Demonstrate that you know the company, position, and the work that the team does. Focus on IBM’s role as a leader in innovation, its commitment to customer-centric solutions, and the opportunity to work on challenging problems at scale.

Example “I want to work at IBM because of the huge scale of the problems that the company wants to solve with AI and machine learning. That challenge deeply motivates me. The opportunity to contribute to projects that impact millions of customers globally promises a great learning experience and aligns with my professional values and desire for impactful work.”

19. Can you share an example of a situation where you had to quickly adapt to a new technology or approach to solve a problem?

IBM often deals with cutting-edge technologies, evolving datasets, and complex client requirements. Being able to swiftly embrace new tools is essential for an aspiring IBMer and ML Engineer.

How to Answer

Familiarize yourself with the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your responses in a compelling and organized manner.


In my previous role, I encountered a situation where we needed to process and analyze a massive volume of unstructured text data for a client’s sentiment analysis project. I quickly immersed myself in learning about distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark and cloud-based solutions. Adapting this new technology stack, I set up a Spark cluster and migrated our data processing pipeline to the cloud. This transition significantly improved our scalability. As a result, we were able to deliver real-time sentiment analysis for the client and exceed their expectations.”

20. Could you describe a project or initiative where you played a pivotal role in a team?

In IBM’s data-driven environment, teamwork and leadership are essential. Collaborative machine learning projects involve large datasets, complex algorithms, and diverse teams. This HR question tests your ability to thrive in such an environment.

How to Answer

Once again, follow the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to answer this behavioral question. Use examples from past collaborative projects and quantify the impact of the project.


“In a previous project on optimizing predictive maintenance for a manufacturing client, our team faced significant challenges, including data quality issues, complex sensor data, and a tight timeline. As the lead machine learning engineer, I led the data preprocessing efforts, designed and implemented a machine learning pipeline, and collaborated closely with domain experts to fine-tune the model. As a result of our efforts, we successfully reduced unplanned downtime by 25%, resulting in substantial cost savings for the client.”

How to Prepare for a Machine Learning Interview at IBM

Here are some tips to help you excel in your interview for a machine learning engineer position at IBM.

Study the Company and Role

Understand the specific ML applications and technologies IBM uses.

Research recent news, updates, IBM’s values, and business challenges the company is facing. Understanding the company’s culture and strategic goals will allow you to not only present yourself better but also understand if they are a good fit for you.

You can also read Interview Query members’ experiences on our discussion board for insider tips and first-hand information.

Understand the Fundamentals

This interview will be an in-depth assessment of your machine learning and coding skills. Be clear on core machine learning algorithms, data structures, and their applications, especially in the context of IBM’s business use cases.

For further practice, refer to our popular guide on machine learning projects, or test your ML knowledge on our compilation of computer vision interview questions.

Prepare Behavioral Interview Answers

Soft skills such as collaboration, effective communication, and flexibility are paramount to succeeding in any job, especially the collaborative machine learning role at IBM.

To test your current preparedness for the interview process, try a mock interview to improve your communication skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average salary for a Machine Learning Engineer role at IBM?

The average base salary for a Machine Learning Engineer at IBM is US$140,611, making the remuneration competitive for prospective applicants.

For more insights into the salary range of a machine learning engineer at various companies, check out our comprehensive Machine Learning Engineer Salary Guide.


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $84K
Max: $228K
Base Salary
Median: $133K
Mean (Average): $141K
Data points: 26
Min: $23K
Max: $350K
Total Compensation
Median: $136K
Mean (Average): $137K
Data points: 23

View the full Machine Learning Engineer at Ibm salary guide

Where can I read more discussion posts on the IBM Machine Learning role here in Interview Query?

Here is our discussion board where Interview Query members talk about their IBM interview experience. You can also use the search bar to look up the general ML Engineer interview experience to gain insights into other companies’ interview patterns.

Are there job postings for IBM Machine Learning roles on Interview Query?

While there are no jobs posted for IBM Machine Learning roles at the moment, you can visit our job portal and apply for your desired role or company, by filtering on your location preference and your current skillsets. Even when you do not possess 100% of the required skills, you should apply as many tools and techniques can be learned on the job as long as you display your problem solving and soft skills satisfactorily in the interview.


In conclusion, succeeding in an IBM machine learning interview requires not only a strong foundation in ML algorithms but also the ability to apply them to real-world problems.

If you’re considering opportunities at other companies, check out our Company Interview Guides. We cover a range of companies, including Google, Tesla, Microsoft, and more.

For other data-related roles at IBM, consider exploring our guides for Data Analyst, Engineer, Scientist, and Software Engineer positions in our main IBM interview guide.

Understanding IBM’s innovation-driven culture and preparing thoroughly with both technical and behavioral questions is key to success. Check out more of our content here at Interview Query, and we hope you’ll land your dream role at IBM very soon!