Lyft Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

Lyft Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024Lyft Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


As a leading rideshare company in the US and Canada, Lyft connects millions of riders with drivers every day, providing them with convenient transportation solutions and innovative travel experiences.

In fact, by using Lyft, riders saved $6.5 billion worth of travel costs in 2023. This shows Lyft’s commitment to enhancing the satisfaction of its customers and partners through personalized transportation services, from ridesharing to bike and scooter rentals.

To maintain this mission, Lyft is constantly seeking data analyst talents who can derive meaningful insights from its vast amounts of data.

If you’re gearing up for an interview for a data analyst role at Lyft, you’ve landed at the right spot. This guide offers several commonly asked interview questions specifically tailored to the data analyst position at Lyft, complete with an example of how to answer each question. So without further ado, let’s dive in!

What Is the Interview Process Like for a Data Analyst Position at Lyft?

Similar to many data-related roles, the interview process for a data analyst position at Lyft may vary in duration and format. However, it consists of multiple stages, each led by different teams with distinct objectives.

Application Screening and Recruiter Calls

Your interview journey at Lyft starts with the recruitment team evaluating your application. In this phase, the hiring team evaluates whether your qualifications and skills align with the job criteria.

If your qualifications meet the job requirements, you’ll be invited to a call with one of the recruiters. The recruiter will ask questions about your resume or cover letter and evaluate your career motivation and goals in detail.

First Technical Round

The first technical round involves business case questions, so you need to demonstrate your skills in data analysis and knowledge of Lyft’s business domain.

The questions themselves are not really technical, but you need to make sure you know about Lyft’s business core. For example, you’ll be asked questions such as, “Where would be the ideal city to expand Lyft’s service?” and “What is your reasoning behind that?”

Second Technical Round

During the second technical round, you will be given a case study related to data visualization or statistical analysis to gauge your data interpretation and problem-solving abilities. You must not only answer the question correctly but also show your ability to articulate your thought process when addressing a specific use case.

Specifically, you’ll be given a use case in the form of a take-home challenge. This means they’ll give you a data analysis task for problems commonly found in the rideshare industry. Then, you will have time to solve it before presenting your solutions.

Third Technical Round

In this stage, you’ll need to present your solutions for the take-home challenge from the previous round. You’ll also encounter technical questions about SQL and behavioral questions aimed at evaluating your interpersonal and communication skills. Recruiters will want to discuss your career aspirations and what you anticipate from your potential role at Lyft.

What Questions Are Asked at Lyft’s Data Analyst Interview?

The questions in a data analyst interview cover various topics, from technical to behavioral. This section will explore typical questions you’ll face in a Lyft data analyst interview.

1. How do you stay updated with the latest tools and techniques in data analysis?

This question gauges your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. In the rapidly evolving field of data analysis, staying updated with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices is crucial to maintaining high-quality work and delivering valuable insights.

How to Answer

Begin by discussing the different resources and platforms you use to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in data analysis, such as online courses, webinars, workshops, and professional networking events. Then, highlight the importance of actively participating in online communities, forums, and discussion groups related to data analysis. Also, remember to emphasize your enthusiasm for experimenting with new tools and techniques.


“To stay updated with the latest tools and techniques in data analysis, I regularly engage in online courses offered by platforms like Coursera and Udemy, focusing on emerging technologies and methodologies in data science and analytics. I also attend webinars and workshops led by industry experts to gain insights into the latest trends and advancements.

Also, I actively participate in online communities and forums where I can exchange knowledge and experiences and learn from other data analysts in the field. Likewise, I enjoy experimenting with new tools and techniques in my projects and integrating them into my daily work to enhance my analytical capabilities and contribute to the continuous improvement of the team and organization.”

2. Why do you want to work with us?

Lyft wants to know your motivation for applying to work with them on a data analyst job and whether it aligns with the company’s mission, values, and culture. Also, it provides the interviewer with insights into whether you have researched the company, understand its business model, and can articulate how your skills and career aspirations align with the company’s goals.

How to Answer

Start by mentioning what attracts you to Lyft specifically, whether it’s the company’s mission or culture, its innovative approach to transportation, or any recent developments or initiatives you admire. Discuss how your skills and experiences align with Lyft’s objectives and how you see yourself contributing to the team and the company’s growth.


“I am eager to work with Lyft because of its commitment to revolutionizing transportation and improving urban mobility. I admire Lyft’s mission to provide safe, affordable, and reliable rides to users while also promoting sustainability. Additionally, I am impressed by Lyft’s innovative approach to integrating technology and data analytics to enhance the user experience and optimize operations.

With my background in data analysis and passion for leveraging data to drive actionable insights, I see a great alignment with Lyft’s objectives. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Lyft’s data-driven decision-making processes, help optimize their services, and ultimately, be a part of a team that is shaping the future of transportation.”

3. How would you approach a situation where the data doesn’t align with ‌business expectations?

It is common for a data analyst to encounter situations where the data does not align with the company’s expectations. Your approach to identifying discrepancies, investigating the root causes, and maintaining a collaborative relationship with the business team to ensure data-driven decision-making will be tested.

How to Answer

Begin by expressing your commitment to resolving the issue by conducting a thorough analysis to identify the root causes. Discuss your approach to revisiting the data collection and processing methods, validating the data quality and integrity, and investigating any potential errors or anomalies that may have occurred during the data-gathering process. Also, emphasize the importance of collaborating closely with the business team to better understand their expectations and requirements and to align the data analysis with the company’s objectives.


“If I encounter a situation where the data doesn’t align with business expectations, my first step would be to acknowledge the discrepancy and express my commitment to resolving the issue. I would conduct a thorough analysis to identify the root causes by revisiting the data collection and processing methods, validating the data quality and integrity, and investigating any potential errors or anomalies that may have occurred during the data-gathering process.

Additionally, I would collaborate closely with the business team to understand their expectations and requirements and align the data analysis with the business objectives. Finally, I would communicate the findings effectively to stakeholders and provide actionable insights and recommendations.”

4. What is your approach to resolving conflict with co-workers or external stakeholders, partially when you don’t really like them?

You’ll be working in a collaborative environment at Lyft where interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to handle challenging situations diplomatically are crucial. Therefore, the interviewer wants to understand how you manage conflicts professionally, even when personal feelings may be involved.

How to Answer

Emphasize the importance of open communication and understanding in resolving conflicts. Describe a structured approach to conflict resolution, which involves actively listening to the concerns of the other party, expressing your perspective calmly and constructively, and seeking a mutually beneficial solution. Always highlight the significance of maintaining professionalism and focusing on the common goal or objective to navigate through conflicts, especially when personal feelings might be a factor.


“When addressing conflicts with co-workers or external stakeholders, even those I may not particularly get along with, my approach is always rooted in open communication and understanding. I believe in actively listening to the other party’s concerns and viewpoints, acknowledging the validity of their feelings, and expressing my perspective in a calm and constructive manner.

We need to maintain professionalism and keep the focus on the common goal or objective we are working toward. Regardless of personal feelings, I try to resolve conflicts and ensure harmonious working relationships by pursuing a mutually beneficial solution and finding common ground.”

5. How do you ensure your analysis remains unbiased and objective?

This question is asked in a Lyft data analyst interview to see if you can maintain objectivity in data analysis. It also evaluates your integrity, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering high-quality and unbiased insights to support Lyft’s business objectives.

How to Answer

Start by emphasizing the importance of maintaining objectivity in data analysis to ensure accurate and reliable results. Discuss your approach to critically evaluating the data sources, methodologies, and assumptions used in the analysis to identify and mitigate potential biases. Don’t forget to highlight your commitment to using standardized and transparent data analysis techniques and seeking feedback from peers and stakeholders to crosscheck the objectivity and reliability of the analysis.


“To ensure my analysis remains unbiased and objective, I prioritize maintaining objectivity throughout the data analysis process. I critically evaluate the data sources, methodologies, and assumptions used in the analysis to identify and mitigate potential biases. I am committed to using standardized and transparent data analysis techniques, and I regularly seek feedback from peers to validate the objectivity of the analysis.”

6. Given a table called user_experiences, how can you write a query to determine the percentage of users that held the title of “data analyst” immediately before holding the title “data scientist”?

Proficiency in SQL querying is absolutely necessary to becoming a data analyst at Lyft. You’ll frequently work with large datasets to derive insights, and understanding SQL will ensure you can collect and analyze the correct data.

How to Answer

Begin by using a self-join on the user_experiences table to identify users who transitioned directly from the “data analyst” to the “data scientist” role. Utilize the start_date and end_date columns to ensure a direct transition between the two positions. Then, calculate the percentage of these direct transitions relative to the total number of unique users in the table.


“To solve this problem, we calculate the percentage of the direct transitions relative to all unique users in the user_experiences table. Below is the SQL query for that.”

WITH DirectTransitions AS (
        user_experiences u1
        user_experiences u2 ON u1.user_id = u2.user_id
        u1.position_name = 'Data Analyst' 
        AND u2.position_name = 'Data Scientist'
        AND u1.end_date = u2.start_date

    (COUNT(*) * 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM user_experiences)) AS percentage

7. Suppose you are a marketer for a social media platform, and you want to determine whether changing the color scheme of the platform’s user interface will impact user engagement. How would you set up an A/B test to compare the engagement metrics between the original color scheme and the new one?

If you’d like to apply as a data analyst at Lyft, make sure you understand topics like experimental design, hypothesis testing, and data-driven decision-making. A/B testing is a widely used method in data analysis to measure the impact of changes on user behavior, which is essential for optimizing user experience and business performance on platforms like Lyft.

How to Answer

Start by explaining the purpose of conducting an A/B test and its significance in evaluating the impact of changes on user engagement. Next, define the hypotheses—the null hypothesis suggesting no significant difference in user engagement between the two color schemes, and the alternative hypothesis indicating a difference. Then, discuss the steps to setting up the A/B test, such as the random assignment of users to the control and test groups, measurement of key engagement metrics, and the use of statistical tests to analyze the results and determine significance.


“To set up an A/B test to assess the impact of the color scheme change on user engagement for a social media platform, I would first establish clear hypotheses. The null hypothesis would state that the change in the color scheme does not affect user engagement, while the alternative hypothesis would propose a significant difference in engagement between the two color schemes. Next, I’d randomly assign users to either the control group, which would see the original color scheme, or the test group, which would see the new color scheme.

I’d select key engagement metrics to measure the test, such as click-through rates, time spent on the platform, and user interactions. After collecting sufficient data, I’d perform statistical tests, such as a t-test or chi-squared test, to determine the statistical significance of the observed differences in engagement metrics between the two groups.”

8. Let’s say we want to improve the matching algorithm for drivers and riders. The engineering team has added a new column to the driver’s table called weighting. How can you write a query to perform a weighted random selection of a driver based on the driver’s weight?

This question is asked in a Lyft data analyst interview to evaluate your proficiency in SQL, especially in the domain closely related to Lyft’s business use case. Moreover, it also tests your ability to handle and manipulate data effectively.

How to Answer

To perform a weighted random selection in SQL, you can use a subquery to calculate the cumulative sum of the scaled weights. Then, use a WHERE clause with RAND() to determine the weighted random selection. The query calculates the scaled weights of each driver based on their weighting and then uses the cumulative sum to perform the weighted random selection.


“Below are the SQL implementation steps I would propose to solve this problem:

  • The innermost subquery calculates the scaled weights for each driver.
  • The middle subquery calculates the cumulative sum of the scaled weights.
  • The outer query performs the weighted random selection by filtering out rows where the cumulative threshold is greater than a random value.
  • Finally, the LIMIT 1 selects the top row, ensuring a weighted random selection based on the driver’s weight.”
  SELECT, q1.scaled_weights, sum(q1.scaled_weights) OVER (ORDER BY ) cumulative_th
      SELECT id ,  weighting/sum(weighting) OVER() AS scaled_weights FROM drivers
     ) q1
) q2
WHERE cumulative_th > rand()

9. What do you know about p-value, and can you explain it in simple terms?

As a future data analyst at Lyft, hypothesis testing or A/B testing is a task that you’ll likely encounter frequently. A thorough understanding of the p-value is essential for interpreting the results of hypothesis testing and making informed and accurate assessments of the data.

How to Answer

Start by defining the p-value as the probability of observing a result as extreme as the one obtained, assuming the null hypothesis is true. Explain that a smaller p-value indicates stronger evidence against the null hypothesis, suggesting that the observed effect is statistically significant. Then, elaborate on its significance in hypothesis testing and decision-making in data analysis.


“The p-value is a statistical measure that helps determine the significance of the results in a hypothesis test. It represents the probability of obtaining the observed results, or more extreme results, when the null hypothesis is true. A smaller p-value indicates that the observed effect is unlikely to be due to random chance, providing stronger evidence against the null hypothesis.

In data analysis, particularly in A/B testing, the p-value is crucial for deciding whether to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups being compared. Typically, a significance level (alpha) is set before conducting the test, and if the p-value is less than alpha, the null hypothesis is rejected, suggesting that the observed effect is genuine and not just a result of random variation.”

10. You’re given a dataframe containing rainfall data. The dataframe has two columns: day of the week and rainfall in inches. How can you write a function to find the median amount of rainfall for the days on which it rained?

If you’d like to apply as a data analyst at Lyft, be sure you also possess some programming skills, such as Python, especially using common data libraries like Pandas. During the interview round, your ability to write code and utilize popular libraries like Pandas to extract specific insights from a given dataset will be tested.

How to Answer

To compute the median amount of rainfall for the days on which it rained, filter out the days with zero rainfall and calculate the median of the remaining values. Remember to use pandas to filter and compute the median effectively.


“Below are the steps I would take to solve the problem:

  • We first filter the dataframe to exclude the days with zero rainfall.
  • Then, we calculate the median of the filtered rainfall values.
  • The function returns the computed median value.”
import pandas as pd

def median_rainfall(df_rain) -> float:
    # Filter out the days with zero rainfall
    filtered_df = df_rain[df_rain['Inches'] > 0]
    # Calculate the median of the remaining values
    median_value = filtered_df['Inches'].median()
    return median_value

11. What is the difference between a disjoint and an independent event?

Probability is an important concept you need to understand to become a data analyst at any company, especially Lyft. Knowledge of terms like disjoint and independent events is fundamental for data analysts to interpret data accurately.

How to Answer

Start by defining each term. Disjoint (or mutually exclusive) events are events that cannot occur at the same time, meaning the occurrence of one event precludes the occurrence of the other. In contrast, independent events are where the occurrence of one event does not affect the probability of the occurrence of the other event. Then, if possible, explain also the mathematical representation for each concept.


“In probability theory, disjoint (or mutually exclusive) events refer to events that cannot occur simultaneously. For two disjoint events A and B, the probability of both events occurring at the same time is zero, represented mathematically as P(A ∩ B) = 0.

On the other hand, independent events are when the occurrence of one event does not influence the probability of the occurrence of the other event. For independent events A and B, the probability of both events occurring is the product of their individual probabilities, represented as P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B).”

12. You are testing hundreds of hypotheses with many t-tests. What considerations should be made?

This question is asked in a Lyft data analyst interview to gauge your understanding of hypothesis testing and the potential pitfalls associated with conducting multiple t-tests. It checks your ability to think critically about statistical analysis, specifically when dealing with multiple comparisons, which is a common scenario in data analysis.

How to Answer

Start by acknowledging the challenges posed by multiple hypothesis testing, such as the increased risk of Type I errors. Describe the methods to mitigate these risks, such as the Bonferroni correction or the False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction. Be sure to highlight the importance of maintaining adequate statistical power by ensuring sufficient sample sizes for each test.


“When conducting hundreds of t-tests, it’s crucial to address the increased risk of Type I errors due to multiple comparisons. To mitigate this risk, adjustments to the significance level can be made using methods like the Bonferroni correction or the false discovery rate (FDR) correction.

Maintaining adequate statistical power is vital, requiring sufficient sample sizes for each test. It’s also important to clearly define the hypotheses beforehand and interpret the results in the context of the specific hypothesis being tested rather than solely relying on p-values.”

13. What is the chance of rolling at least one five with two dice?

This question assesses your understanding of basic probability concepts.

How to Answer

Begin by explaining the total number of possible outcomes when rolling two dice, which is 6×6=36. Next, determine the probability of not rolling a five on both dice. The probability of not rolling a five on one die is 56, and since the rolls are independent, the probability of not rolling a five on both dice is 5/6×5/6=2536. Finally, subtract this probability from 1 to find the probability of rolling at least one five.


“When rolling two dice, the total number of possible outcomes is 6×6=36. The probability of not rolling a five on one die is 56. Since the rolls are independent events, the probability of not rolling a five on both dice is 5/6×5/6=2536. To find the probability of rolling at least one five, we subtract this probability from 1:

$$ Probability\ of\ at \ least\ one \ five=1−\frac{25}{36}=\frac{11}{36} $$

Therefore, the chance of rolling at least one five with two dice is 1136 or approximately 30.56%.”

14. Given a list of tuples featuring names and grades on a test, how can you write a function to normalize the values of the grades to a linear scale between 0 and 1?

Data manipulation and transformation are technical skills needed to become a good data analyst. Moreover, data manipulation, such as data normalization, is a fundamental preprocessing step in data analysis and machine learning.

How to Answer

Begin by explaining the concept of data normalization and its importance in standardizing data to a common scale, facilitating easier comparison and analysis. Describe the steps to implement the normalization process: identify the minimum and maximum values in the grade data, and then apply the normalization formula to each grade in the dataset.


“To normalize the grades in the given list to a linear scale between 0 and 1, I would first identify the minimum and maximum grades in the dataset. In this case, the minimum grade is 38, and the maximum grade is 100. I would then apply the normalization formula to each grade.

After calculating the normalized grades for each student, I would maintain the original structure of the data by pairing each normalized grade with its corresponding student name. The resulting normalized grades for the given input would be [(‘Jason’, 0.9), (‘Tessa’, 0.68), (‘Carla’, 0.0), (‘Matt’, 0.08), (‘Jessica’, 1.0)].”

def normalize_grades(grades):
    min_grade = min(grade for _, grade in grades)
    max_grade = max(grade for _, grade in grades)
    normalized = [((name, (grade - min_grade) / (max_grade - min_grade))) for name, grade in grades]
    return normalized

grades = [
    ('Jason', 94),
    ('Tessa', 80),
    ('Carla', 38),
    ('Matt', 43),
    ('Jessica', 100)


15. Our internal dashboard shows that the number of new drivers is down by 7%. How would you investigate this issue?

Data analysts at Lyft are expected to have good analytical skills. Therefore, the interviewer wants to assess your ability to approach problems systematically, using data-driven methods to uncover the underlying causes and provide actionable insights.

How to Answer

Begin by suggesting an exploratory data analysis to examine trends and patterns. This could involve comparing the current data with historical data to identify any seasonal or cyclical patterns. Next, consider segmenting the data by different dimensions, such as regions, marketing channels, or signup methods, to pinpoint any specific areas of decline. Also, look into external factors that might have affected the number of new drivers, such as changes in the market, competitor actions, or regulatory issues.


“To investigate the 7% decline in the number of new drivers, I would start with an exploratory data analysis to identify any trends or patterns. I would compare the current data with historical data to determine if there are any seasonal or cyclical factors contributing to the decline. Then, I would segment the data by different dimensions, such as regions, marketing channels, or signup methods, to pinpoint any specific areas of decline.

I would also consider external factors that might have affected the number of new drivers, such as changes in the market, competitor actions, or regulatory issues. To gather qualitative insights, I propose conducting surveys or interviews with existing drivers to understand their experience and potential reasons for the decline in new driver signups.”

16. Let’s say that we’re building a model to predict real estate home prices in a particular city. We analyze the distribution of the home prices and see that the values are skewed to the right. Do we need to do anything or take this into consideration, and if so, what should we do?

This question is asked in a Lyft data analyst interview to assess your understanding of various data preprocessing steps and their impact on modeling. Skewed data distributions can affect the performance of predictive models, and it’s crucial for data analysts to recognize and address such issues to improve the accuracy and reliability of the models they build.

How to Answer

Explain the implications of a right-skewed distribution on predictive modeling. Point out that a right-skewed distribution indicates that a few very high-priced homes might disproportionately influence the model, potentially leading to biased predictions. Then, describe possible solutions to address this issue.


“When building a model to predict real estate home prices, observing a right-skewed distribution in the home values is a concern that needs to be addressed. A right-skewed distribution suggests that a few very high-priced homes might have a disproportionate influence on the model, potentially leading to biased predictions.

To mitigate this issue, one common approach is to apply a logarithmic transformation to the target variable, which can help reduce the skewness and make the distribution more symmetric. Another strategy is to use algorithms that are robust to outliers or to implement feature engineering techniques to handle the skewed data more effectively.”

17. If you give N riders with the probability of P a $5 coupon, what is the expected coupon spend?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions in Lyft data analyst interviews. It checks your ability to apply statistical and mathematical concepts to real-world business scenarios and make data-driven decisions.

How to Answer

To calculate the expected coupon spend, multiply the number of riders (N) by the probability of receiving the coupon (P) and then by the coupon value ($5). The formula to calculate the expected coupon spend is N×P×$5, but make sure you explain it clearly.


“To determine the expected coupon spend, I would multiply the number of riders (N) by the probability of receiving the coupon (P) and then by the coupon value ($5). The formula to calculate the expected coupon spend is then N×P×$5.

For example, if there are 1000 riders and the probability of receiving the coupon is 0.2, the expected coupon spend would be 1000×0.2×$5=$1000”

18. How can you write a function to get a sample from a standard normal distribution?

This question will test your understanding of probability distributions and basic statistical concepts. Knowing how to generate samples from a standard normal distribution is fundamental to statistical analysis and data modeling for a data analyst.

How to Answer

Define what a standard normal distribution is by emphasizing its mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. Then, proceed to explain the process of generating a sample from a standard normal distribution using Python. Describe it using NumPy library’s random.randn() function to produce a random sample from a standard normal distribution.


“A standard normal distribution is a specific type of normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. To generate a sample from a standard normal distribution in Python, we can use the numpy library’s random.randn() function. This function returns a sample (or samples) from the ‘standard normal’ distribution.”

import numpy as np

def get_standard_normal_sample():
    return np.random.randn()

sample = get_standard_normal_sample()

19. What factors could influence a rise in the average wait time of a driver?

A data analyst interview at Lyft will assess your technical skills and ability to identify and understand the various factors that can impact a critical business metric. Use this question to demonstrate your analytical skills, domain knowledge, and problem-solving abilities.

How to Answer

Begin by mentioning the factors that can influence the average wait time, such as demand-supply dynamics, traffic conditions, and driver availability. Then, elaborate on each factor and explain how it could affect the wait time. Finally, provide insights into how analyzing these factors can help optimize driver allocation and dispatching strategies.


“From my perspective, several factors could influence a rise in a driver’s average wait time. One of the primary factors is the demand-supply dynamics; during peak hours or high-demand periods, the number of available drivers might be insufficient to meet rider demand, leading to increased wait times.

Also, traffic conditions significantly impact the average wait time, as drivers might face delays due to congested routes or traffic jams. Another critical factor is driver availability; if a large number of drivers are offline or unavailable, it can contribute to longer wait times for riders.”

20. Say you flip a coin 10 times. It comes up tails 8 times and heads twice. Is this a fair coin?

As an aspiring data analyst, you need to understand the principles of probability. Understanding probability and statistics is essential for interpreting and validating results in various analytical tasks.

How to Answer

Start by defining what a fair coin means in terms of probability, stating that a fair coin should have an equal chance of landing heads or tails, each with a probability of 0.5. Next, explain the concept of hypothesis testing in this context, where the null hypothesis would be that the coin is fair (probability of heads = 0.5) and the alternative hypothesis would be that the coin is not fair. Proceed by calculating the probability of getting 8 or more tails in 10 coin flips, assuming the coin is fair, and then compare it to a significance level (commonly 0.05) to make a conclusion.


”A fair coin should have an equal probability of landing heads or tails, each with a probability of 0.5. To determine if the given coin is fair, we can conduct a hypothesis test. The null hypothesis (H0) would be that the coin is fair, with a probability of heads being 0.5, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) would be that the coin is not fair. Using the binomial probability formula, the probability of getting 8 or more tails in 10 coin flips, assuming the coin is fair, is calculated as follows:

Then, we compare the calculated probability (0.055) with the significance level. If the significance level is higher, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that the observed outcome is not statistically significant enough to conclude that the coin is biased.”

How to Prepare for a Data Analyst Interview at Lyft

The interview process for a data analyst position at Lyft requires a solid foundational knowledge of both technical and behavioral skills. To increase your chances of getting hired, we provide several tips to give you a competitive advantage over other candidates.

Research Lyft’s Core Business

Before submitting your application, it’s crucial to research Lyft’s mission, values, and the general landscape of the ride-sharing and transportation industry. Familiarizing yourself with Lyft’s services, such as ride- and bike-sharing, can significantly enhance your application.

Visit Lyft’s website to learn more about its transportation solutions. It also has blogs where you can read about advancements and updates on its current projects.

Brush Up on Your Technical Skills

You’ll encounter diverse questions throughout each round, with many of them being technical questions. Therefore, refreshing your knowledge of fundamental data analysis concepts and tools, such as SQL, Python, data visualization, and statistical analysis, is essential before the interview process.

At Interview Query, we offer multiple learning paths to assist you in refining your data analysis expertise, including learning paths in data analytics, product metrics, probability, and statistics.

In the third technical interview round, you’ll tackle questions that will test your SQL and Python skills. So, we offer SQL and Python learning paths to prepare you for such challenges. To improve your ability to solve data analysis questions, check out the question banks available on our platform.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the breadth of subjects you need to cover, one strategy is to look at the job description. This will help you narrow your learning paths and ensure you focus on the relevant topics for the interview.

Do Personal Projects Related to Lyft’s Business Domain

A desirable trait of a data analyst is a commitment to continuous learning, particularly in the company’s domain. To distinguish yourself from other candidates, demonstrate your enthusiasm for Lyft by undertaking a personal project related to their domain. This can be in the area of customer behavior analysis, pricing optimization, route optimization, etc.

A personal project offers several advantages. First, it showcases your eagerness to potentially contribute to Lyft. Second, it provides an engaging discussion point during your interview. Last, it improves your problem-solving abilities as you need to implement various data analysis concepts throughout the project.

To further hone your problem-solving skills, explore our take-home challenges. There, you can select a potential topic and solve it step-by-step using a notebook. These take-home challenges will also serve as good preparation material for your interview, especially in the second technical round.

Practice Your Communication Skills

Practicing your communication abilities is vital because you’ll encounter case study-type questions in the third round. There, you need to demonstrate your ability to dissect a problem and articulate your thought process succinctly.

To practice your communication skills, consider participating in a mock interview with your peers. In a mock interview, you can practice explaining concepts and walking people through your thought process in solving a problem. However, finding a peer for a mock interview is challenging since not many people have the same passion we do for data analysis, making it difficult to receive constructive feedback.

To overcome this challenge, you can join a mock interview service available on our platform. Here, you’ll be connected with like-minded data enthusiasts. You and your peers can exchange and receive personalized feedback, improving your interview performance.


These are some of the frequently asked questions by individuals interested in working as a data analyst at Lyft.

How much do data analysts at Lyft make in a year?


Average Base Salary

Min: $110K
Max: $180K
Base Salary
Median: $125K
Mean (Average): $136K
Data points: 42

View the full Data Analyst at Lyft salary guide

The base pay for a data analyst position at Lyft ranges between $110,000 and $185,000, depending on your qualifications and experiences. In comparison, the average base pay for a data analyst position in the industry is approximately $82,000 to $99,000. This means you’ll be compensated well above the market salary.

Where can I read more about people’s interview experiences for a data analyst position at Lyft here on Interview Query?

Currently, we do not have a dedicated section for interview experiences specific to a data analyst position at Lyft. Nonetheless, you can engage with fellow data analysis enthusiasts or people who pursue data-related roles in the IQ Slack community to gain insights and tips.

Does Interview Query have job postings for Lyft’s data analyst position?

If you’re interested in discovering new opportunities for a data analyst position at Lyft or any other company, our job board provides an updated list of available positions.

However, we would still advise you to check out Lyft’s official careers page to explore their most recent openings for data analysts or other data-related roles.


To improve your chances of getting hired, you need to demonstrate your knowledge regarding Lyft’s business domain as well the essential skills, such as probability, statistics, data analysis, and SQL. You can further refine your technical and interpersonal skills through the plethora of resources available on our platform.

If you’re keen on understanding the interview processes for other data-related roles at Lyft, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Lyft guides for data scientist, business analyst, data engineer, machine learning engineer, product manager, research scientist, and software engineer interviews.

We hope that this article helps you prepare for the data analyst interview at Lyft. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact us on our platform!