Twitter Product Manager SalaryTwitter Product Manager Salary


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $117K
Max: $262K
Base Salary
Median: $180K
Mean (Average): $183K
Data points: 40
Min: $19K
Max: $675K
Total Compensation
Median: $250K
Mean (Average): $311K
Data points: 39

View the full Product Manager at Twitter interview guide

Normalized Twitter Product Manager Salaries

Average total compensation
0% - Low
Cost of living
0% - Low
Years of experience
0% - Low

The average base salary for Product Manager at Twitter is in the top 82% compared to all other companies salaries.

The average base salary for Product Manager at Twitter is $182,575 while the average Product Manager base salary is $158,998.

If we normalize the salaries at Twitter by the cost of living, then the average base salary for Product Manager at Twitter is in the top 74% compared to all other companies.

If we normalize the salaries at Twitter by the years of experience, then the average base salary for Product Manager at Twitter is in the top 77% compared to all other companies.

Twitter Product Manager Salary by Seniority Levels

Median: $173K
Mean (Average): $175K
Data points: 20
Median: $210K
Mean (Average): $204K
Data points: 15
Median: $153K
Mean (Average): $155K
Data points: 4
Entry Level
Median: $125K
Mean (Average): $125K
Data points: 1

Seniority can increase the pay of a Product Manager at Twitter. Here are the base salaries of a Product Manager at Twitter grouped into 4 seniority categories.

Twitter Product Manager Salary Compared to other Positions

Product Analyst*
Product Analyst
Median: $200K
Mean (Average): $200K
Data points: 1
Product Manager
Median: $180K
Mean (Average): $183K
Data points: 40
Machine Learning Engineer
Median: $168K
Mean (Average): $178K
Data points: 75
Software Engineer
Median: $165K
Mean (Average): $166K
Data points: 1,213
Data Engineer
Median: $186K
Mean (Average): $164K
Data points: 7
Data Scientist
Median: $154K
Mean (Average): $154K
Data points: 204
Business Intelligence
Median: $145K
Mean (Average): $153K
Data points: 4
Data Analyst
Median: $145K
Mean (Average): $146K
Data points: 19
Growth Marketing Analyst
Median: $135K
Mean (Average): $137K
Data points: 4
Business Analyst
Median: $139K
Mean (Average): $131K
Data points: 12

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Product Analyst role pays the most with a $200,000 base salary while the Business Analyst role on average pays the least with a $130,667 base salary.

Top Cities for Twitter Product Manager Salaries

New York, NY
Median: $223K
Mean (Average): $223K
Data points: 2
Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Area
Median: $220K
Mean (Average): $220K
Data points: 1
Los Angeles, CA
Median: $170K
Mean (Average): $188K
Data points: 4
San Francisco, CA
Median: $180K
Mean (Average): $183K
Data points: 29
Seattle, WA
Median: $180K
Mean (Average): $180K
Data points: 1
Boston, MA
Median: $160K
Mean (Average): $160K
Data points: 1
London, United Kingdom
Median: $134K
Mean (Average): $134K
Data points: 1
Denver, CO
Median: $117K
Mean (Average): $117K
Data points: 1

The Product Manager salary in New York, NY is the highest paying salary with a $222,500 average base salary. The Product Manager salary in Denver, CO is the lowest paying salary with $117,000 average base salary.

Twitter Product Manager Salary Compared to other Companies

Median: $500K
Mean (Average): $458K
Data points: 9
Roku Inc.
Median: $270K
Mean (Average): $263K
Data points: 13
Credit Karma
Median: $218K
Mean (Average): $229K
Data points: 9
Uipath - Robotic Process Automation
Median: $215K
Mean (Average): $213K
Data points: 5
Median: $210K
Mean (Average): $213K
Data points: 19
Median: $205K
Mean (Average): $209K
Data points: 675
Bloomberg Lp
Median: $185K
Mean (Average): $208K
Data points: 14
Median: $198K
Mean (Average): $208K
Data points: 20
Median: $200K
Mean (Average): $204K
Data points: 23
Median: $185K
Mean (Average): $202K
Data points: 9
Median: $185K
Mean (Average): $197K
Data points: 17
Median: $190K
Mean (Average): $197K
Data points: 6
Median: $198K
Mean (Average): $195K
Data points: 194
Palo Alto Networks
Median: $200K
Mean (Average): $194K
Data points: 15
Median: $180K
Mean (Average): $183K
Data points: 40

The Product Manager at Netflix salary is the highest paying salary with a $458,333 average base salary. The Product Manager at Airbus Group salary is the lowest paying salary with $50,000 average base salary.