Data Engineer Salary in Chattanooga, TN


Average Base Salary

Min: $65K
Max: $103K
Base Salary
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $79K
Data points: 17

Normalized Data Engineer Salaries in Chattanooga, TN

Average total compensation
0% - Low
Cost of living
0% - Low
Years of experience
0% - Low

The average base salary for Data Engineer in Chattanooga, TN is in the top 15% compared to all other cities salaries.

The average base salary for Data Engineer in Chattanooga, TN is $78,721 while the average Data Engineer base salary is $107,307.

If we normalize the salaries in Chattanooga, TN by the cost of living, then the average base salary for Data Engineer in Chattanooga, TN is in the top 33% compared to all other cities.

If we normalize the salaries in Chattanooga, TN by the years of experience, then the average base salary for Data Engineer in Chattanooga, TN is in the top 12% compared to all other cities.

Data Engineer Salary in Chattanooga, TN by Seniority Levels

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Data Engineer Salary in Chattanooga, TN Compared to other Positions

Software Engineer
Median: $120K
Mean (Average): $126K
Data points: 11
Data Engineer
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $79K
Data points: 17
Business Analyst
Median: $73K
Mean (Average): $77K
Data points: 33
Business Intelligence
Median: $71K
Mean (Average): $68K
Data points: 4
Data Analyst
Median: $52K
Mean (Average): $60K
Data points: 5

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Software Engineer role pays the most with a $125,543 base salary while the Data Analyst role on average pays the least with a $59,771 base salary.

Data Engineer Salary in Chattanooga, TN Compared to other Cities

Taipei, Taiwan
Median: $89K
Mean (Average): $241K
Data points: 6
Zurich, Switzerland
Median: $142K
Mean (Average): $141K
Data points: 10
Tel Aviv, Israel
Median: $130K
Mean (Average): $140K
Data points: 5
San Francisco, CA
Median: $135K
Mean (Average): $139K
Data points: 4,714
Singapore, Singapore
Median: $103K
Mean (Average): $132K
Data points: 9
Seattle, WA
Median: $123K
Mean (Average): $122K
Data points: 3,135
Austin, TX
Median: $115K
Mean (Average): $117K
Data points: 606
Santa Barbara, CA
Median: $123K
Mean (Average): $114K
Data points: 14
Vancouver, Canada
Median: $102K
Mean (Average): $111K
Data points: 17
New York, NY
Median: $101K
Mean (Average): $110K
Data points: 2,370
San Diego, CA
Median: $110K
Mean (Average): $110K
Data points: 199
Washington, DC
Median: $99K
Mean (Average): $108K
Data points: 892
London, United Kingdom
Median: $100K
Mean (Average): $107K
Data points: 43
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Median: $106K
Mean (Average): $107K
Data points: 7
Chattanooga, TN
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $79K
Data points: 17

The Data Engineer salary in Taipei, Taiwan is the highest paying salary with a $241,313 average base salary. The Data Engineer salary in Noida, India is the lowest paying salary with $45,000 average base salary.

Top Companies for Data Engineer Salaries in Chattanooga, TN

Median: $108K
Mean (Average): $108K
Data points: 1
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $75K
Data points: 3
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Median: $67K
Mean (Average): $67K
Data points: 1
Median: $65K
Mean (Average): $65K
Data points: 1

The Data Engineer at Phreesia salary is the highest paying salary with a $108,451 average base salary. The Data Engineer at Antra salary is the lowest paying salary with $65,499 average base salary.