Better data scientists earn an average base salary of $137,056, making it a competitive choice for tech professionals. With a recency-weighted salary of $136,467, Better’s compensation packages highlight the earning potential in data science roles. In this guide, we’ll explore Better’s salary data and provide insights into how data science compares with information technology in terms of pay, roles, and career growth opportunities. Whether you’re navigating a career path or evaluating options, this article offers valuable data to inform your decisions.
Average Base Salary
The average base salary for Data Scientist at Better is in the top 75% compared to all other companies salaries.
The average base salary for Data Scientist at Better is $137,056 while the average Data Scientist base salary is $123,289.
If we normalize the salaries at Better by the cost of living, then the average base salary for Data Scientist at Better is in the top 43% compared to all other companies.
If we normalize the salaries at Better by the years of experience, then the average base salary for Data Scientist at Better is in the top 37% compared to all other companies.
Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.
From the graph we can see that on average the Software Engineer role pays the most with a $155,288 base salary while the Business Analyst role on average pays the least with a $90,000 base salary.