Interview Query
What Is SQL Subquery? Types, Examples, and Optimization Tips

What Is SQL Subquery? Types, Examples, and Optimization Tips


Imagine you’re a detective trying to solve a mystery, but instead of interrogating suspects one by one, you decide to ask a group of informants to gather information for you. That’s essentially what an SQL subquery does—it’s a query within a query that works behind the scenes to fetch the data you need to crack the case.

SQL subqueries are powerful tools that allow you to nest queries within other queries, enabling complex data retrieval and manipulation. They act as temporary result sets that can be used within a larger query to perform operations that would be difficult or impossible with a single query.

Single-row Subqueries

SQL subqueries can be categorized based on their structure and functionality. The first one are single-row subqueries.

These subqueries return only one row of results and are typically used with operators like =, >, <, >=, <=, and <>.

Consider a scenario where you want to identify employees whose salary is above the company-wide average:

SELECT employee_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees);

This query first calculates the average salary across all employees, then compares each employee’s salary to this single value. It’s particularly useful when you need to:

  1. Compare individual values to aggregates: Find employees earning more than the average, products priced higher than the median, or customers who’ve placed more orders than the typical customer.
  2. Identify outliers: Locate data points that deviate significantly from a calculated norm.
  3. Implement dynamic thresholds: Use subqueries to create flexible criteria that adjust based on the current data state.

For example, to find paintings priced above the average in an art gallery database:

SELECT painting, price
FROM artworks
WHERE price > (SELECT AVG(price) FROM artworks);

Multi-row Subqueries

These subqueries return multiple rows and are often used with operators such as IN, ANY, and ALL. They’re particularly useful when you need to compare values against a set of results.


SELECT product_name
FROM products
WHERE category_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM categories WHERE category_name = 'Electronics');

This query retrieves all products in the “Electronics” category. It demonstrates how multi-row subqueries can simplify queries that would otherwise require joins.

Performance Considerations

While multi-row subqueries are powerful, they can sometimes be less efficient than equivalent JOIN operations, especially for large datasets. For instance, the above query could be rewritten as a JOIN:

SELECT p.product_name
FROM products p
JOIN categories c ON p.category_id = c.category_id
WHERE c.category_name = 'Electronics';

The JOIN version often performs better because:

  1. It allows the database engine to optimize the query execution plan more effectively.
  2. It avoids potentially repetitive executions of the subquery for each row in the outer query.

However, multi-row subqueries can be more intuitive and easier to write in certain scenarios, particularly when dealing with complex conditions or when you need to use the result set in multiple parts of the query.

In practice, the choice between a multi-row subquery and a JOIN depends on factors such as:

  • The specific database system and its query optimizer
  • The size and structure of the tables involved
  • The complexity of the query conditions

For optimal performance, it’s often beneficial to test both approaches with your specific data and query requirements.

Single-column Subqueries

Single-column subqueries are versatile tools for filtering and matching data based on a list of values. They are particularly useful in scenarios where you need to:

  1. Filter results based on a dynamic list of values
  2. Compare values across different tables
  3. Implement complex filtering logic

Let’s explore an enhanced example of a single-column subquery:

SELECT customer_name, total_purchases
FROM customers
WHERE customer_id IN (
    SELECT customer_id
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY customer_id
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 5

This query demonstrates the power of single-column subqueries by:

  1. Identifying customers who have placed more than 5 orders
  2. Returning only the names and total purchases of these high-value customers

Single-column subqueries excel in situations where you need to:

  • Implement dynamic filters: The subquery can generate a list based on current data, allowing for flexible and adaptive filtering.
  • Perform set operations: Use IN, NOT IN, or EXISTS to filter based on membership in a dynamically generated set.
  • Create complex conditional logic: Combine aggregate functions and grouping in the subquery to create sophisticated filtering criteria.
  • Cross-reference data: Compare values between different tables without explicitly joining them.

Multi-column Subqueries

Multi-column subqueries are powerful tools for complex data retrieval and comparison. They are particularly useful when working with EXISTS or in the FROM clause for several reasons:

  1. Improved query readability: Multi-column subqueries allow you to express complex conditions more concisely. Instead of writing multiple single-column comparisons, you can combine them into a single, more intuitive subquery.
  2. Efficient data filtering: When used with EXISTS, multi-column subqueries can efficiently filter data based on multiple criteria simultaneously. This is especially valuable when you need to check for the existence of related data across multiple columns.
  3. Complex join conditions: In the FROM clause, multi-column subqueries can create derived tables with multiple columns, enabling more sophisticated join conditions and data transformations.

Example of a multi-column subquery in the FROM clause:

SELECT a.ename, a.sal, a.deptno, b.salavg
FROM emp a,
     (SELECT deptno, AVG(sal) AS salavg
      FROM emp
      GROUP BY deptno) b
WHERE a.deptno = b.deptno
  AND a.sal > b.salavg;

This query compares each employee’s salary with the average salary of their department, demonstrating how multi-column subqueries can simplify complex analytical queries.

When using EXISTS with multi-column subqueries, you can perform correlated checks across multiple columns:

SELECT p.product_name, p.price
FROM products p
    SELECT 1
    FROM order_details od
    JOIN orders o ON od.order_id = o.order_id
    WHERE od.product_id = p.product_id
      AND o.order_date > '2023-01-01'
      AND od.quantity > 10

This query finds products that have been ordered in large quantities since the start of 2023, showcasing how multi-column subqueries with EXISTS can efficiently filter data based on complex conditions.

Correlated Subqueries

These subqueries reference columns from the outer query, making them dependent on the outer query for execution. This interdependence can significantly affect query performance.

SELECT employee_name
FROM employees e
WHERE salary > (
    SELECT AVG(salary)
    FROM employees
    WHERE department_id = e.department_id

Performance Implications

Correlated subqueries can be performance-intensive for several reasons:

  1. Repeated Execution: The subquery is executed for each row processed by the outer query. This means that if the outer query returns 1,000 rows, the subquery might be executed 1,000 times.
  2. Nested Loop Operations: Many query engines process correlated subqueries using nested loop joins, which can be inefficient for large datasets.
  3. Limited Optimization: The interdependence between the outer and inner queries can limit the database engine’s ability to optimize the overall query execution.
  4. Scalability Issues: As the size of the dataset grows, the performance impact of correlated subqueries can become more pronounced.

For example, in our query, the database must calculate the average salary for each employee’s department individually rather than calculating all department averages in one pass.

Optimization Strategies

To mitigate these performance issues, consider:

  1. Rewriting as JOINs where possible
  2. Using indexes effectively, especially on correlated columns
  3. Exploring alternative query structures, such as CTEs or derived tables

Remember, while correlated subqueries can be powerful, they should be used judiciously, with careful consideration of their performance implications on larger datasets.

Nested Subqueries

Nested subqueries are powerful tools for handling complex data relationships and multi-step filtering processes. Let’s explore a real-world use case: Imagine an e-commerce platform that wants to identify top-performing products within specific product categories with high customer engagement. Here’s how nested subqueries can help:

SELECT p.product_name, p.sales_count
FROM products p
WHERE p.product_id IN (
    SELECT op.product_id
    FROM order_products op
    WHERE op.order_id IN (
        SELECT o.order_id
        FROM orders o
        WHERE o.customer_id IN (
            SELECT c.customer_id
            FROM customers c
            WHERE c.loyalty_points > 1000
AND p.category_id IN (
    SELECT category_id
    FROM categories
    WHERE avg_rating > 4.5
ORDER BY p.sales_count DESC

This nested subquery structure accomplishes several tasks:

  1. Identifies loyal customers with over 1000 loyalty points
  2. Finds orders placed by these loyal customers
  3. Determines products purchased in these orders
  4. Filters for products in highly-rated categories (average rating > 4.5)
  5. Selects the top 10 best-selling products meeting all these criteria

This query demonstrates how nested subqueries can navigate through multiple related tables to answer complex business questions. It allows the e-commerce platform to identify popular products among loyal customers in well-performing categories, which could inform inventory decisions, marketing strategies, or personalized recommendations.

Nested subqueries excel in scenarios requiring multi-level data filtering and aggregation, especially when dealing with hierarchical data or complex business logic that involves multiple related entities.

Optimization Tips

To improve the performance of SQL queries involving subqueries, consider the following optimization techniques:

  • Use JOINs when possible: Often, subqueries can be rewritten as JOINs, which can be more efficient.
-- Using subquery
SELECT c.customer_id,, 
       (SELECT SUM(o.amount) FROM orders o WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id) as total_amount
FROM customers c;

-- Using JOIN (often more efficient)
SELECT c.customer_id,, SUM(o.amount) as total_amount
FROM customers c
JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
GROUP BY c.customer_id,;
  • Limit the number of rows retrieved: Use LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to paginate results and reduce data transfer.
  • Be specific with column selection: Instead of using SELECT *, list only the required columns to minimize data transfer.
  • Use indexes effectively: Ensure that columns used in JOIN conditions and WHERE clauses are properly indexed.
  • Utilize the EXPLAIN statement: Analyze query execution plans to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Consider using Common Table Expressions (CTEs): For complex queries, CTEs can improve readability and sometimes performance.
  • Optimize correlated subqueries: These can be performance-intensive, so consider rewriting them as JOINs when possible.
  • Use UNION ALL instead of UNION: When duplicates don’t need to be removed, UNION ALL is faster as it doesn’t perform distinct operations.
  • Avoid unnecessary subqueries: Sometimes, subqueries can be eliminated by restructuring the query.
  • Leverage database-specific features: Different database systems may offer unique optimization techniques, so familiarize yourself with your specific database’s capabilities.

The Bottom Line

By implementing these optimization techniques and understanding the various types of subqueries, you can write more efficient and powerful SQL queries. Remember that query optimization is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to regularly review and refine your queries as data volumes and patterns change.

Now is the time to take your SQL skills to the next level! Start by reviewing your existing queries to identify areas for optimization. Experiment with different types of subqueries and rewrite them using JOINs or other methods to see what works best for your data. Utilize the EXPLAIN command in your database to analyze query performance and pinpoint bottlenecks. Stay engaged with the SQL community by sharing your insights and learning from others. By actively applying these strategies, you’ll enhance your ability to write efficient queries, ultimately leading to better performance in your applications and a deeper understanding of SQL’s capabilities. Embrace the challenge, and watch your data querying skills soar!