DIA Associates Business Intelligence SalaryDIA Associates Business Intelligence Salary


Average Base Salary

Min: $63K
Max: $140K
Base Salary
Median: $80K
Mean (Average): $93K
Data points: 18

Normalized DIA Associates Business Intelligence Salaries

Average total compensation
0% - Low
Cost of living
0% - Low
Years of experience
0% - Low

The average base salary for Business Intelligence at Dia associates is in the top 54% compared to all other companies salaries.

The average base salary for Business Intelligence at Dia associates is $92,931 while the average Business Intelligence base salary is $94,033.

If we normalize the salaries at Dia associates by the cost of living, then the average base salary for Business Intelligence at Dia associates is in the top 16% compared to all other companies.

If we normalize the salaries at Dia associates by the years of experience, then the average base salary for Business Intelligence at Dia associates is in the top 0% compared to all other companies.

DIA Associates Business Intelligence Salary by Seniority Levels

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DIA Associates Business Intelligence Salary Compared to other Positions

Business Intelligence
Median: $80K
Mean (Average): $93K
Data points: 18
Business Analyst*
Business Analyst
Median: $90K
Mean (Average): $90K
Data points: 2
Data Analyst
Median: $82K
Mean (Average): $87K
Data points: 22

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Business Intelligence role pays the most with a $92,931 base salary while the Data Analyst role on average pays the least with a $87,294 base salary.

Top Cities for DIA Associates Business Intelligence Salaries

New York, NY
Median: $80K
Mean (Average): $93K
Data points: 18

The Business Intelligence salary in New York, NY is the highest paying salary with a $92,931 average base salary. The Business Intelligence salary in New York, NY is the lowest paying salary with $92,931 average base salary.

DIA Associates Business Intelligence Salary Compared to other Companies

Median: $152K
Mean (Average): $167K
Data points: 14
Median: $170K
Mean (Average): $165K
Data points: 6
Median: $165K
Mean (Average): $158K
Data points: 15
Median: $156K
Mean (Average): $156K
Data points: 8
Median: $140K
Mean (Average): $142K
Data points: 9
Median: $134K
Mean (Average): $142K
Data points: 6
Median: $125K
Mean (Average): $135K
Data points: 5
Chegg Inc.
Median: $145K
Mean (Average): $134K
Data points: 9
Credit Karma
Median: $132K
Mean (Average): $132K
Data points: 12
Median: $130K
Mean (Average): $132K
Data points: 71
Median: $134K
Mean (Average): $131K
Data points: 14
Palo Alto Networks
Median: $132K
Mean (Average): $131K
Data points: 8
Median: $115K
Mean (Average): $130K
Data points: 11
Incedo Inc.
Median: $143K
Mean (Average): $128K
Data points: 5
Dia associates
Median: $80K
Mean (Average): $93K
Data points: 18

The Business Intelligence at Lucid Motors salary is the highest paying salary with a $230,000 average base salary. The Business Intelligence at Technomax Llc salary is the lowest paying salary with $45,656 average base salary.