Interview Query

Trial Test Analysis

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Let’s say we have tables ab_tests and subscriptions. We need to analyze the effectiveness of a trial period experiment.

Write a query to calculate the conversion rate for each variant, where the conversion criteria differs based on the variant:

  • For control group: Count as converted if they subscribed anytime after entering the experiment

  • For trial group: Count as converted only if they subscribed AND (either haven’t cancelled OR stayed subscribed for at least 7 days before cancelling).

Note: Please represent the conversion rate as out of 100 rounded to two digits (i.e. 35.5% is 35.50)

ab_tests table

Column Type
user_id INTEGER
variant VARCHAR
created_at TIMESTAMP

subscriptions table

Column Type
user_id INTEGER
created_at TIMESTAMP
cancelled_at TIMESTAMP


Column Type
variant VARCHAR
conversion_rate FLOAT
total_users INTEGER


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