Fidelity Interview QuestionsFidelity Interview Questions


Fidelity Investments is a highly reputed, privately held company that works tirelessly to enhance the financial well-being of their clients.

They offer a variety of services, ranging from investment and future planning assistance to individuals, benefits administration for companies and non-profit organizations, and investment and technology solutions for institutions and independent advisors.

They utilize technologies such as Python, Spark, Scala, R, SQL, or MatLab in their operations, demonstrating their proficiency in various programming languages.

In this guide, we’ll cover a general overview of Fidelity’s interview process, and then provide examples of common interview questions you may face across various topics.

Fidelity Interview Process and Guides

Fidelity’s interview process is designed to evaluate a candidate’s technical knowledge, critical thinking, and cultural fit. This multi-stage process generally includes:

  1. Initial Screening: This typically involves an HR or recruiter interview. The questions in this stage are often behavioral and aim to assess your cultural fit and motivation. You’ll also discuss your background and experience.
  2. Technical Screening: This could be a coding test, often on platforms like HackerRank or Codility. For data science positions, you might be asked to solve problems related to data manipulation, statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, or even optimization problems.
  3. Technical Interview: Depending on the role, you might have one or more technical interviews. This could involve:
    • Deep diving into your past projects and your technical contributions.
    • Discussing machine learning algorithms, their pros and cons, and when to use which.
    • Solving data science-related problems on a whiteboard (or virtually).
    • Case studies that test your ability to approach a business problem using data science techniques.
  4. Behavioral Interview: These interviews assess your interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, teamwork, and cultural fit within the company. You may be presented with hypothetical, situational questions or be asked to recall past experiences.
  5. Final Interview: This could be with senior management or even a director. The final interview often focuses on both technical and cultural fit, and it gives candidates an opportunity to ask questions about the company’s strategic vision and direction.

Fidelity Interview Tips

A few tips for interviewing at Fidelity:

  1. Research: Understand the company’s values, products, and recent news. For Fidelity, being aware of their investment strategies, technology ventures, and overall market position can be beneficial.
  2. Prepare for Technical Questions: Refresh your knowledge on machine learning algorithms, statistical tests, data structures, and other relevant topics.
  3. Soft Skills: While technical knowledge is essential, soft skills are equally important in a collaborative environment. Be conversational and authentic with your answers—interviewers want to get to know the real person behind the resume. The story of your career should come through, so share what led you to this place and examples of how you use your strengths. Be positive in your answers, and never criticize anyone.
  4. Ask Questions: This demonstrates your interest and allows you to assess if the company is the right fit for you.

Fidelity Salaries by Position

Machine Learning Engineer*
Machine Learning Engineer
Median: $126K
Mean (Average): $126K
Data points: 1
Data Scientist
Median: $88K
Mean (Average): $98K
Data points: 41
Data Engineer
Median: $86K
Mean (Average): $97K
Data points: 3
Software Engineer
Median: $85K
Mean (Average): $92K
Data points: 69
Data Analyst
Median: $85K
Mean (Average): $77K
Data points: 15
Business Analyst
Median: $73K
Mean (Average): $73K
Data points: 12

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Machine Learning Engineer role pays the most with a $126,000 base salary while the Business Analyst role on average pays the least with a $72,598 base salary.

Fidelity Glassdoor Review

On Glassdoor, the average rating for Fidelity is 4.3 stars out of 5. 86% of reviewers would recommend working at Fidelity to their friends. 94% of reviewers approved of Fidelity’s current CEO.

Fidelity Glassdoor Review

Fidelity Culture Review

At Fidelity Investments, a significant 81% of the workforce views the atmosphere as positive, with 80 staff members describing the pace as “comfortably fast.” When stacked against competitors like Edward Jones, BlackRock, UBS, Charles Schwab, and TIAA, Fidelity’s workplace environment ranks an impressive second. Moreover, when looking at similar giants with over 10,000 employees, Fidelity shines in the Top 15%. They also land in the Top 40% among 205 Boston-based companies.

Fidelity Culture Review

Fidelity Interview Questions

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