Uber Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide 2024Uber Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide 2024


With over 2.6 billion rides booked during Q4 2023, Uber is among the largest ride-hailing operators in the world in terms of market share. Uber increasingly relies on massive amounts of user data and analytics to provide seamless service and set dynamic pricing. Data engineers at Uber aid the efforts by optimizing compute and storage consumption, ensuring data governance, and designing data pipelines.

If you’re preparing for an Uber data engineer interview, you’re in the right place!

Read on to explore the interview process and answers to some frequently asked questions.

What Is the Interview Process Like for the Data Engineer Role at Uber?

Uber expects their data engineers to realize they’re part of something greater—challenging real-world beliefs and practices. True to its values, Uber emphasizes problem-solving in its interviews rather than focusing on theoretical knowledge and traditional skills. As a data engineer candidate at Uber, you’ll demonstrate your suitability for the role through several rounds of behavioral and technical interviews over several weeks.

Applying for the Role

Recruiters from the Uber Talent Acquisition Team often contact potential candidates through LinkedIn and other social media platforms. If you’ve got one, good. If not, explore suitable opportunities through the Uber Career Portal and apply.

To ensure your resume is shortlisted through Uber’s automated algorithm, tailor your CV to reflect your industry experience and focus on the keywords in the job description. You also need to have an Uber account to facilitate the application process.

Recruiter Screening Round

An individual from the Uber Talent Acquisition team will contact you to verify your details, including your experiences, reported skills, and alignment of expectations. This will also be your opportunity to inquire about the data engineer role and Uber itself. The recruiter will also ask a few behavioral questions to assess your cultural alignment and the reasoning behind your interest in joining Uber.

Hiring Manager Interview

If the recruiter deems you a good fit for the data engineer position at Uber, the hiring manager will invite you to a one-on-one conversation about your experience and behavioral skills in greater depth. Expect surface-level questions regarding data engineering concepts during this round of interviews.

Uber advises using the STAR method when tackling hiring manager interviews. This includes assessing the situation, analyzing the task, taking action, and presenting the results.

Technical Interview Rounds

Multiple technical interview rounds will be conducted between you and the team of data engineer interviewers at Uber. Each session could last 30–40 minutes and be with a group or one-on-one. Be prepared to face scenario-based questions on algorithms, SQL, and programming languages.

You’ll also spend at least an hour working through a live coding exercise. Solve the problems in the language you’re most confident in.

Functional Assessment

Depending on the data engineer position you’re applying for, a functional assessment, such as a take-home project or a work simulation, may be assigned to evaluate your problem-solving approach and functional knowledge.

Team Interview Loop

In the final stage of the interview at Uber, you’ll be invited to a virtual or on-site team meeting with your potential colleagues and seniors. The discussions will revolve around the core skills required for success in the data engineer role. If you were assigned a functional exercise, you’ll be asked to present it.

The hiring team and recruiters will review your performance against specific job criteria to decide whether you’re a good fit for the Uber data engineer role. If shortlisted, they will send you an offer letter with the necessary package information and onboarding details.

What Questions Are Asked in an Uber Data Engineer Interview?

Questions for the Uber data engineer interview typically include behavioral questions, SQL queries, data pipeline challenges, and programming concepts. Here are a few examples and their ideal responses:

1. What makes you a good fit for our company?

This question evaluates your understanding of Uber’s culture, values, and mission and how you align with them.

How to Answer

Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and values that align with Uber’s mission and culture. Discuss specific projects or initiatives where you demonstrated skills that would benefit Uber’s data engineering team. Emphasize your enthusiasm for tackling complex problems and driving innovation in the transportation and technology industry.


“I’m excited about the opportunity to work at Uber because of its commitment to leveraging data-driven solutions to transform the transportation industry. My experience in building scalable data pipelines and implementing real-time analytics aligns well with Uber’s focus on optimizing operations and enhancing user experiences. Also, I’m drawn to Uber’s culture of innovation and continuous improvement, and I’m eager to use my expertise to help overcome the company’s unique challenges.”

2. Talk about a time when you had trouble communicating with stakeholders. How did you overcome it?

Uber may ask this question to assess your ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders, a crucial skill for data engineers who often collaborate with cross-functional teams.

How to Answer

Describe a specific instance where you encountered communication challenges with stakeholders during a data project. Discuss how you identified the issues, actively listened to stakeholders’ concerns, and adapted your communication style to address their needs. Highlight your strategies to overcome communication barriers and ensure alignment between technical requirements and business objectives.


“In a previous role, I faced challenges in communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders during a data migration project. To overcome this, I scheduled regular meetings with stakeholders to understand their expectations and concerns. I used visual aids such as diagrams and prototypes to simplify technical concepts and facilitate better understanding. Also, I regularly updated them on the project’s progress and asked for feedback to ensure that stakeholders felt involved and informed throughout it.”

3. Describe a data project you worked on. What were some of the challenges you faced?

As a data engineer, your experience with data projects and your ability to overcome challenges encountered during project execution will be assessed through this question.

How to Answer

Discuss a data project you worked on, including its objectives, methodologies, and outcomes. Identify key challenges you encountered during the project, such as data quality issues, resource constraints, or stakeholder disagreements. Explain how you addressed these challenges by implementing appropriate solutions, collaborating with team members, and adjusting project timelines or methodologies as needed.


“One data project I worked on involved building a predictive analytics model to optimize inventory management for an e-commerce company. One of the main challenges we faced was sourcing and integrating diverse data sources from multiple departments, each with its own format and quality standards. To address this, I collaborated closely with data engineers and domain experts to develop robust data pipelines and implement data validation procedures. Despite initial setbacks, we successfully delivered the project on time and achieved a significant reduction in inventory costs.”

4. Tell us about a time you encountered messy or incomplete data during a data pipeline project. How did you approach cleaning and transforming the data to ensure its usability for analysis?

The data engineer interviewer at Uber may ask this question to evaluate your data cleaning and transformation techniques and your ability to ensure data quality and reliability for downstream analysis.

How to Answer

Discuss an instance during a data pipeline project where you encountered messy or incomplete data. Describe how you identified data inconsistencies, missing values, or outliers and your strategies to clean and transform the data for analysis.


“During a recent data pipeline project, we encountered messy data from various sources, including inconsistent formatting, missing values, and duplicate records. To address these issues, we first conducted exploratory data analysis to identify patterns and anomalies in the data. Then, we implemented data cleaning techniques such as data imputation for missing values, deduplication for duplicate records, and normalization for inconsistent formats. By systematically addressing these data quality issues, we improved the reliability and usability of the data for downstream analysis.”

5. Describe a situation where you collaborated with data analysts or data scientists on a project. How did you ensure clear communication and manage expectations regarding data access and delivery?

This question assesses your ability to collaborate effectively with data analysts or data scientists on cross-functional projects at Uber.

How to Answer

Describe a situation where you collaborated with data analysts or data scientists on a project, emphasizing your role in facilitating clear communication and managing expectations regarding data access and delivery. Discuss how you established regular communication channels, documented data requirements, and provided timely updates on data availability and quality. Highlight any challenges you encountered and the strategies you used to overcome them while ensuring alignment between technical solutions and business needs.


“In a previous project, I collaborated closely with data analysts to develop a machine learning model for customer segmentation and targeting. To ensure clear communication and alignment between our teams, I scheduled regular meetings to discuss data requirements, model performance metrics, and project timelines. I also created documentation outlining data access procedures, data quality standards, and model deployment protocols to streamline our collaboration. Despite occasional challenges in reconciling technical requirements with business priorities, we delivered a robust solution that met stakeholders’ expectations and generated actionable insights for the company.”

6. Given the tables users and rides, write a query to report the distance traveled by each user in descending order.



users table

Column Type

rides table

Column Type
passenger_user_id INTEGER
distance FLOAT


Column Type
distance_traveled FLOAT

Your Uber data engineer interviewer may assess your SQL skills, particularly your ability to write complex queries involving multiple tables and perform calculations, with this question.

How to Answer

you need to perform a JOIN operation between the users and rides tables on the common field passenger_user_id, then use the SUM() function to calculate the total distance traveled by each user.


    , IFNULL(SUM(distance),0) AS distance_traveled
FROM users
    ON users.id = rides.passenger_user_id
ORDER BY SUM(distance) DESC, name ASC

7. Given a table called employees, retrieve the largest salary of an employee in each department.



employees table

Column Type
department VARCHAR
salary INTEGER


Column Type
department VARCHAR
largest_salary INTEGER

Uber may ask this to check your ability to extract insights from large datasets by aggregating information across different categories.

How to Answer

Write an SQL query that groups the data by department and selects the maximum salary for each group using the MAX() function.


  MAX(salary) AS largest_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department

8. You are given a dictionary with a key-value of {string: number} where values in the dictionary could be duplicates. You are required to extract the unique values from the dictionary where the value occurred only once. Return a list of values where they occur only once.

Note: You can return the values in any order.


dictionary = {"key1": 1, "key2": 1, "key3": 7, "key4": 3, "key5": 4, "key6": 7}


find_unique_values(dictionary) -> [3,4]

#Only 3 and 4 occurred once.

As a data engineer, your problem-solving skills and ability to manipulate data structures, which are critical for data processing tasks at Uber, will be evaluated through this question.

How to Answer

Iterate through the dictionary and count the occurrences of each value. Then, extract the values that occur only once and return them as a list.


def find_unique_values(dictionary):
    return [
        for _, value in dictionary.items()
        if len(
                for compare_key in dictionary.keys()
                if dictionary[compare_key] == value
        == 1

9. How do you sort a 100GB file when you are constrained to only 10GB of RAM?

This question evaluates your problem-solving and algorithmic thinking skills and understanding of efficient data processing techniques.

How to Answer

You can use the external sorting technique, such as the merge-sort algorithm. Divide the file into smaller chunks, sort each chunk in memory, and then merge the sorted chunks using a priority queue or a similar data structure.


“To sort a 100GB file with only 10GB of RAM, you can use the external sorting technique, such as merge sort. First, divide the file into smaller chunks that can fit into memory (e.g., 1GB each). Then, sort each chunk in memory using a sorting algorithm like quicksort or heapsort. Finally, merge the sorted chunks using a priority queue or a similar data structure to produce the final sorted file.”

10. Why is it standard practice to explicitly put foreign key constraints on related tables instead of creating a normal BIGINT field? When considering foreign key constraints, when should you consider a cascade delete or a set null?

Uber may ask this to gauge your knowledge of database integrity, data consistency, and data management best practices.

How to Answer

Discuss how foreign key constraints enforce referential integrity, preventing orphaned records and maintaining data consistency. Regarding cascade delete versus set null, explain that the choice depends on the business requirements and the relationships between tables.


“It’s standard practice to use foreign key constraints because they enforce referential integrity, ensuring that each foreign key value in a child table corresponds to a valid primary key value in the parent table. This helps maintain data consistency and prevents orphaned records. As for cascade delete versus set null, the decision depends on the business requirements. Cascade delete automatically deletes child records when a parent record is deleted, which can be useful for maintaining data integrity. On the other hand, set null allows you to nullify the foreign key values in child records when a parent record is deleted, which may be appropriate in situations where you want to preserve historical data or handle deletions more gracefully.”

11. Let’s say you have analytics data stored in a data lake. An analyst tells you they need hourly, daily, and weekly active user data for a dashboard that refreshes every hour. How would you build this data pipeline?

Your ability, as a data engineer, to design a data pipeline to aggregate analytics data for various time intervals will be evaluated through this question.

How to Answer

To build this data pipeline, you can first ingest raw analytics data from the data lake. Then, you can use a scheduler to trigger hourly, daily, and weekly aggregation tasks. Finally, you may set up a dashboard that queries the aggregated data and refreshes every hour.


“To build a data pipeline for this scenario, I would start by ingesting raw analytics data from the data lake into a data processing framework like Apache Spark. Then, I would design aggregation tasks to compute hourly, daily, and weekly active user metrics from the raw data. These tasks would run on a scheduled basis using a scheduler like Apache Airflow, triggering hourly updates for the dashboard. The aggregated data would be stored in a scalable database or data warehouse, allowing fast querying for the dashboard.”

12. Given a percentile_threshold, mean m, and standard deviation sd of the normal distribution, write a function truncated_dist to simulate a normal distribution truncated at percentile_threshold.



m = 2
sd = 1
n = 6
percentile_threshold = 0.75


def truncated_dist(m,sd,percentile_threshold): ->

 [2, 1.1, 2.2, 3, 1.5, 1.3]

All values in the output sample are in the lower 75% = percentile_threshold of the distribution.

The data engineer interviewer at Uber may ask this to check your understanding of probability distributions and your programming skills.

How to Answer

To simulate a truncated normal distribution, you can generate random numbers from a normal distribution and filter out values above the specified percentile threshold. Use libraries like NumPy to generate random numbers and compute percentiles.


import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st

def truncated_dist(m,sd,percentile_threshold):

    lim = st.norm(m,sd).ppf(percentile_threshold)
    r = np.random.normal(m, sd, 1)[0]
    if r <= lim:
        return r
        return lim

13. Describe how you would design a database schema for storing trip information in Uber’s ride-sharing system. Consider factors like efficiency for queries involving location data, user information, and trip details.

As a data engineer candidate at Uber, this question assesses your database design skills, focusing on efficiency and scalability, which are critical for relational database modeling and optimization techniques.

How to Answer

To design a database schema for storing trip information, you would create tables for storing location data, user information, and trip details. Use appropriate data types and indexes to optimize queries involving location data. Consider denormalization for frequently accessed data and partitioning for scalability.


“For storing trip information in Uber’s ride-sharing system, I would design a database schema with tables for locations, users, and trips. The locations table would store geographical data with spatial indexes for efficient queries. The users table would contain user information such as IDs, names, and ratings. The trips table would capture trip details, including timestamps, pickup and drop-off locations, distances, and fares. I would use primary and foreign key constraints to maintain data integrity and indexes to optimize query performance.”

14. Consider factors like efficiency for queries involving location data, user information, and trip details. Explain how you would handle real-time and historical data separately, if applicable.

This question evaluates your ability to handle real-time and historical data in a scalable manner.

How to Answer

You can use a lambda architecture with both batch and stream processing layers. Store real-time data in a fast, scalable data store like Apache Kafka or Amazon Kinesis. Historical data can be stored in a data warehouse or distributed file system for batch processing.


“To handle real-time and historical data separately in Uber’s ride-sharing system, I would implement a lambda architecture. Real-time data like live trip updates would be processed using stream processing technologies like Apache Kafka or Amazon Kinesis. Historical data, including past trip records, would be stored in a scalable data warehouse or distributed file system for batch processing. I would use tools like Apache Spark for batch processing historical data and Apache Flink or Apache Storm for real-time stream processing.”

15. How would you ensure the quality of data collected in Uber’s system (e.g., GPS coordinates, trip fares)? Describe techniques you would use to identify and handle anomalies in the data.

The interviewer may ask this to evaluate your ability to identify and mitigate data anomalies in a large-scale system, which is essential to function as a data engineer at Uber.

How to Answer

To ensure data quality, data validation checks, anomaly detection algorithms, and outlier removal techniques can be implemented. Statistical methods and machine learning algorithms can be used to identify patterns and anomalies in GPS coordinates, trip fares, and other data points.


“To ensure the quality of data collected in Uber’s system, I would implement various techniques such as data validation checks and anomaly detection algorithms. For GPS coordinates, I would validate data against known geographical boundaries and remove outliers using clustering algorithms. Trip fares could be validated against predefined pricing rules, and anomalies could be found using statistical methods like Z-score analysis or machine learning algorithms such as isolation forests. Additionally, I would set up monitoring systems to flag anomalous data in real-time for further investigation and correction.”

16. Imagine you’re tasked with optimizing Uber’s recommendation engine for rider destinations. How would you approach this challenge from a data engineering perspective? Discuss the data sources you would leverage and the machine learning models you might consider.

Uber may ask this to assess your understanding of data sources, data processing pipelines, and machine learning models relevant to recommendation systems.

How to Answer

To optimize Uber’s recommendation engine for rider destinations, you can leverage various data sources. Implement data processing pipelines to clean, transform, and analyze the data. Consider using machine learning models or transformers to generate personalized destination recommendations for riders.


“To optimize Uber’s recommendation engine for rider destinations, I would use historical trip data, user profiles, and real-time location data. First, I would preprocess and clean the data, extracting relevant features such as pickup locations, drop-off destinations, time of day, and user preferences. Then, I would explore various machine learning models such as collaborative filtering, matrix factorization, or deep learning models like RNNs or transformers to generate personalized destination recommendations for riders. These models would be trained on historical trip data and user feedback to improve recommendation accuracy over time.”

17. Describe how the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm could be used to recommend nearby drivers to a rider based on their location and past trip history.

Your understanding of the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm and its application in recommendation systems as a data engineer will be assessed through this question.

How to Answer

First, preprocess and normalize the location and trip history data. Then, calculate the distances between the rider’s current location and potential driver locations using a distance metric. Finally, select the K-nearest neighbors (drivers) based on their past trip history and recommend them to the rider.


“To recommend nearby drivers to a rider using KNN, I would preprocess and normalize the location and trip history data. Then, I would calculate distances between the rider’s current location and potential driver locations using a distance metric such as Euclidean distance. Next, I would select the K-nearest neighbors (drivers) based on their past trip history and recommend them to the rider.”

18. Discuss how dynamic programming can be applied to optimize pricing strategies for Uber rides, considering factors like demand, distance, and driver availability.

This question evaluates your understanding of dynamic programming and its application in optimizing pricing strategies for Uber rides.

How to Answer

You can model the problem as a dynamic programming problem with states representing different pricing decisions and transitions representing changes in demand, distance, and driver availability. Use techniques like value iteration or policy iteration to find the optimal pricing strategy that maximizes revenue while satisfying constraints.


“To optimize pricing strategies for Uber rides using dynamic programming, I would model the problem as a dynamic programming problem with states representing different pricing decisions and transitions representing changes in demand, distance, and driver availability. I would then use techniques like value iteration or policy iteration to find the optimal pricing strategy that maximizes revenue while satisfying constraints such as rider demand and driver availability.”

19. Design an ETL process to handle Uber trip cancellation data. How would you extract cancellation data from various sources (driver app, rider app), transform it for consistency, and load it into a data warehouse for further analysis?

The interviewer at Uber for the data engineer position may ask this question to check your knowledge of data integration, quality, and warehousing.

How to Answer

Identify sources of cancellation data, such as the driver app and rider app. Implement extraction processes to pull data from these sources, then transform and standardize the data for consistency. Finally, load the processed data into a data warehouse for further analysis.


“To handle trip cancellation data in Uber’s system, I would design an ETL process with extraction processes to pull data from various sources, such as the driver and rider apps. I would then transform and standardize the data, ensuring consistency in formats and quality. Finally, I would load the processed data into a data warehouse for further analysis and reporting.”

20. During peak hours, Uber experiences a surge in ride requests. How would you design a computationally scalable system to handle this increased load for tasks like trip matching and fare calculation?

Your ability to design computationally scalable systems to handle increased load during peak hours in Uber’s ride-sharing platform will be assessed through this question.

How to Answer

Use distributed computing frameworks to parallelize trip matching and fare calculation tasks. Implement load-balancing techniques to distribute incoming requests across multiple servers or instances to ensure efficient resource utilization and minimize response times.


“To handle the increased load during peak hours in Uber’s ride-sharing platform, I would design a computationally scalable system using distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark or Apache Flink. These frameworks would allow us to parallelize trip matching and fare calculation tasks across multiple nodes or clusters, enabling us to process a large volume of requests concurrently. Additionally, I would implement load balancing techniques to distribute incoming requests evenly across available servers or instances, ensuring resources are used efficiently and response times are minimized.”

How to Prepare for a Data Engineer Interview at Uber

Excelling in the data engineer interview at Uber requires a proper balance of communicative, behavioral, and technical skills. Your real-world problem-solving abilities will also come in handy. Let’s look at a few key points to differentiate yourself as a successful candidate:

Get Familiar with Uber’s Culture and Business

As a data engineer, you’ll need to collaborate with different teams and share your findings with non-technical stakeholders. Your alignment with Uber’s culture and values is pretty critical in order to communicate effectively and make significant contributions.

Being familiar with Uber’s other business models, including Uber Eats and Uber Health, may also help you better respond to interview questions.

Brush Up on Technical Skills and Questions

Data engineers at Uber are expected to understand data engineering concepts, including data warehousing, ingestion, and storage, to do their jobs efficiently. Proficiency in SQL queries for data transformation, aggregation, and analysis is also critical for cracking the technical interview rounds.

Programming languages, especially Python, Java, and Scala, and fundamental concepts of algorithms are also essential for functioning as a data engineer at Uber. Also, brush up on your understanding of distributed systems and data modeling to solidify your technical foundation.

Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Practice a lot of take-home assignments and data engineer case studies to develop the problem-solving skills required and work through our data engineering interview questions to further prepare for the Uber interview.

Practice Mock Interviews

Eliminate the loopholes in your stories and refine your responses by participating in our P2P Mock Interviews and receiving professional feedback from our Interview Mentor. Follow our Data Engineer Preparation Guide to gain confidence for the upcoming interview.


How much do data engineers at Uber earn in a year?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $117K
Max: $203K
Base Salary
Median: $149K
Mean (Average): $156K
Data points: 28
Min: $38K
Max: $523K
Total Compensation
Median: $250K
Mean (Average): $288K
Data points: 13

View the full Data Engineer at Uber salary guide

Data engineers at Uber typically earn around $155,000 in base salary and $287,000 in total compensation. The total compensation may even reach up to $535,000, depending on the seniority of the position and the individual’s experience. Gain more insight into data engineer salaries to negotiate your package further.

What other companies can I work at as a data engineer aside from Uber?

Data engineers are valued in almost every company that directly handles user data. In addition to Uber, you may find Lyft, DoorDash, and Airbnb worthy of your data engineering skills and time. Moreover, explore other opportunities in similar companies through our Company Interview Guides.

Are there job postings for Uber data engineer roles on Interview Query?

Yes, job postings for Uber data engineers and similar roles are available on our job board. However, it’s best to keep following the company career pages as they often have the latest information regarding available positions.

The Bottom Line

Succeeding in the Uber data engineer interview requires a strong foundation of problem-solving skills and cultural and behavioral alignment with the team and the company. Your ability to convey information to various audiences with diverse technical backgrounds will also be a great advantage.

If you’re still unsure about the data engineering role, consider exploring alternatives like data analyst, data scientist, product analyst, and other positions on our main Uber interview guide.

Approach the interview panel with confidence and demonstrate your skills with finesse. We are eager to hear about your success. All the best!