Average Data Analyst Salaries for 2024

Average Data Analyst Salaries for 2024


While the demand for data analysts continues to grow, the number of new data analysts entering the job market hasn’t kept pace. As a result, many employers are increasing salaries in order to draw in the best talent.

Over the last five years, data analyst salaries have risen significantly. Today, the average base salary for a data analyst is $82,000, but by the time sign-on bonuses, stock options, and additional compensation are factored in, total compensation for data analysts averages more than $100,000 per year.


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $46K
Max: $145K
Base Salary
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $83K
Data points: 32,111
Min: $3K
Max: $250K
Total Compensation
Median: $76K
Mean (Average): $99K
Data points: 467

This steady wage growth is expected to continue as more and more companies make data analytics a priority. Hiring growth is especially pronounced in industries like finance, telecommunications, healthcare, and e-commerce. In these industries, data analyst salaries typically start at close to $100,000.

Data Analyst Salary by Seniority Levels

As data analysts progress in their careers, they often experience steady wage growth. Senior data analysts, for example, earn an average base salary just below $100,000. That’s nearly $20,000 over base salaries for entry-level analytics positions.

Here are the base salaries of a data analyst grouped into 6 seniority categories:

Median: $190K
Mean (Average): $183K
Data points: 3
Median: $125K
Mean (Average): $128K
Data points: 326
Median: $91K
Mean (Average): $100K
Data points: 6,981
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $80K
Data points: 1,441
Entry Level
Median: $84K
Mean (Average): $86K
Data points: 64
Median: $94K
Mean (Average): $94K
Data points: 2

An undergraduate degree in math, statistics, or business is usually a prerequisite for internships and entry-level positions in data analytics. Increasingly, however, advanced degrees, such as a master’s in data analytics, are becoming necessary to climb the career ladder in analytics and earn mid- and senior-level wages.

Data Analyst Salary Compared to other Positions

Compared to other data science positions, data analysts have starting salaries on the lower end of the spectrum. However, this is relative. The average earnings for data analysts far outpace the average earnings of other occupations in the U.S. and many other countries. For example, in the U.S., data analyst base salaries are 40% higher than average earnings, $51,000.

Additionally, data analytics positions are often a stepping stone to higher-paying roles, such as business intelligence analyst ($90,000 average base salary), product analyst ($93,000 average base salary), or data scientist ($122,000 average base salary). Many start working in analytic positions while earning an advanced degree in the hopes of landing a data science role in the future.

Product Manager
Median: $155K
Mean (Average): $160K
Data points: 7,844
Machine Learning Engineer
Median: $146K
Mean (Average): $149K
Data points: 4,395
Data Scientist
Median: $120K
Mean (Average): $123K
Data points: 30,132
Software Engineer
Median: $105K
Mean (Average): $116K
Data points: 280,735
Data Engineer
Median: $100K
Mean (Average): $107K
Data points: 28,373
Product Analyst
Median: $90K
Mean (Average): $95K
Data points: 870
Business Intelligence
Median: $90K
Mean (Average): $94K
Data points: 10,676
Research Scientist
Median: $80K
Mean (Average): $94K
Data points: 14,454
Data Analyst
Median: $75K
Mean (Average): $83K
Data points: 32,111
Growth Marketing Analyst
Median: $68K
Mean (Average): $83K
Data points: 1,926
Business Analyst
Median: $76K
Mean (Average): $81K
Data points: 49,399

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Product Manager role pays the most with a $159,645 base salary while the Business Analyst role on average pays the least with a $80,847 base salary.

Top Cities for Data Analyst Salaries

Data analyst salaries are highest in tech hubs and financial centers within the U.S. and around the world. In the U.S., San Francisco and Seattle offer some of the highest average salaries, at $97,000 and $93,000 respectively, which is due, in part, to top tech companies like Amazon and Twitter having headquarters in those cities.

New York is also a top-paying U.S. city, with many data analysts employed by tech and financial services firms. Globally, Singapore and Australia offer high starting wages for data analysts.

London, United Kingdom
Median: $93K
Mean (Average): $129K
Data points: 10
Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA
Median: $90K
Mean (Average): $126K
Data points: 23
Anchorage, AK
Median: $93K
Mean (Average): $100K
Data points: 7
San Francisco, CA
Median: $95K
Mean (Average): $99K
Data points: 4,012
Seattle, WA
Median: $88K
Mean (Average): $94K
Data points: 776
New York, NY
Median: $84K
Mean (Average): $92K
Data points: 6,271
Hartford, CT
Median: $82K
Mean (Average): $88K
Data points: 126
Charlotte, NC
Median: $85K
Mean (Average): $87K
Data points: 463
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers Area, AR
Median: $81K
Mean (Average): $87K
Data points: 119
Boise, ID
Median: $80K
Mean (Average): $86K
Data points: 14
Chicago, IL
Median: $76K
Mean (Average): $85K
Data points: 1,633
Portland, OR
Median: $77K
Mean (Average): $84K
Data points: 122
Winston-Salem, NC
Median: $85K
Mean (Average): $84K
Data points: 47
Louisville, KY
Median: $70K
Mean (Average): $82K
Data points: 38
Austin, TX
Median: $78K
Mean (Average): $82K
Data points: 311

The Data Analyst salary in London, United Kingdom is the highest paying salary with a $128,812 average base salary. The Data Analyst salary in Bismarck, ND is the lowest paying salary with $40,500 average base salary.

Top Companies for Data Analyst Salaries

The highest-paying data analyst jobs are primarily in the finance and technology industries. In finance, data analysts earn some of the highest wages at companies like Citadel, Citi, Bloomberg, and Tower Research Capital. In tech, the top three highest-paying companies are Netflix, Twitter, and Affirm.

Median: $79K
Mean (Average): $205K
Data points: 6
Median: $165K
Mean (Average): $193K
Data points: 8
The d. e. shaw group
Median: $175K
Mean (Average): $187K
Data points: 34
Bank Of America Merrill Lynch
Median: $175K
Mean (Average): $170K
Data points: 5
A.T. Kearney
Median: $150K
Mean (Average): $157K
Data points: 25
Citadel Llc
Median: $150K
Mean (Average): $154K
Data points: 107
Two Sigma
Median: $150K
Mean (Average): $150K
Data points: 34
Median: $145K
Mean (Average): $146K
Data points: 19
Course Hero
Median: $145K
Mean (Average): $143K
Data points: 17
Median: $139K
Mean (Average): $139K
Data points: 13
Median: $140K
Mean (Average): $138K
Data points: 139
Affirm, Inc.
Median: $135K
Mean (Average): $137K
Data points: 7
Median: $135K
Mean (Average): $136K
Data points: 73
Median: $125K
Mean (Average): $136K
Data points: 42
Cubist Pharmaceuticals
Median: $138K
Mean (Average): $136K
Data points: 72

The Data Analyst at Vodafone salary is the highest paying salary with a $400,000 average base salary. The Data Analyst at Enterprise business solutions salary is the lowest paying salary with $44,000 average base salary.